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**question about texiting for birthday's***


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I have many posts about my ex's here on ENA, i just have one question ... my ex's fiance SON'S bday is coming up ths Sunday, i always cared for him and got along well with him , hes going to be 21 yrs.. i was thinking for texting him HAPPY BIRthday, his father i and have been NC for 4 months, and hes already with someone else , would it be wrong of me to do????

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Have you been in contact w/ the son since your break up four months ago? How long were you part of his life?


If not, then no -- you're just looking for a way to get close to your ex, because the son would likely mention it, right?


I have to agree with mhowe. Maybe if he was younger then yes, but at 21 he will understand why you never text him. You should just leave it.

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I was part of his life for 5 years, and no i have not spoken to the son since the B/U... but he was very special to me.. a simply happy birthday text is all i will send.


I'd let sleeping dogs lie. He's 21, an adult, and if he wants you to remain a part of his life he can contact you.


I was part of my exes daughters life for 14 years. She was 22 when we broke up and I told her how much I cared for her and that if she ever needed anything to contact me. She told me how much she loved me and I'd always have a place in her heart. And that was the last time I heard from her. Blood is thicker than water. If you aren't related to him, no matter how much yopu care, best to let it go unless he makes a move to contact you.

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DylanNotorious yes i think your right ! i just feel i need to do it ! some crazy reason i cannot explain.. but at this point i dont care for the outcome, i would never wnat his father back... maybe i want his father to feel a little guilty for what he did to me ! i never had the opportunity to express my feelings ... i have kept them inside all these months..

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At 21 years old, his son is probably smart enough to see right through what you are doing. He will know the real reason behind the text.


I think it's selfish to use someone's birthday as an excuse to make someone else feel guilty.

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Wow !!! iam glad i posted this thread... somtimes i think my ex wonders why i never went after him for questions., why didnt want to try to get back with him, he acussed me of cheating on him ( I NEVER DID) so i left it as that and went straight NC till now..

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mg, I think you need to calm down. Take a breath, and realize that this is not a big deal. It's just not.


Forget about sending the text. If you want to get to your ex somehow, then talk to him directly. Using his son for any means should be considered off-limits to you, whether you're in a relationship or not.

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