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I'm sure she knows but she's not distant; conversely we're closer now??


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Hi, I have a friend that I know for 6 years and we got along together very well. We got closer in passing years and I started to fall for her... I can go into details if you like but as I can give spoiler, I'm kinda guy that show what he feels immediately; not good at hiding them. So I started acting a little different recently, bought her something she really wanted for a long time and she was really suprised by that but as my title says she's not distant and actually we're closer now... Couple of days ago when we were on the phone, she got suspicious by my voice and asked me if there's something up that I need to tell or sth like that. Having she said this and adding some other indicators, I believe she knows about my feelings, she does right? So what would you think if go for it and open up to her?

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You can't assume someone else know your feelings unless you tell them. Otherwise, its you trying to interpret their actions and words to fit what you hope. Don't buy her any more gifts. I think she suspects something is up. I would go out with her and tell her how you feel - but be prepared for it to go either way. And don't expect an answer right away. Or better yet, ask her if she is seeing anyone, etc.

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thank you for your replies, but I should say mhowe that I didn' understand why you got so mad at me? Giving her a present was just a one time thing and the present wasn't anything serious... I also know that it was wrong to buy her a present, I admit it. But yes, trying to assume something is wrong but I just need some help or maybe experience a little.

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A. Not mad

B. Not the expense of the gift -- it is giving something she really wanted w/ out there being an event (bday, xmas). If one of my guy friends did that for me, I'd be thinking....what??? And would be suspicious ---- just like she is.

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