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This poem came right out of my heart. Its something I'm living and... tell me what you think about the poem. It does not have a happy ending because in real life it still didn't so... Tell me what you think. Thanks-


Poem- I'm in love with her but she does not know it.


I'm in love with a girl.

She is like a pearl.

I love her some much,

But all I can do is watch.


Watch how she passes in front of me.

Watch how she passes by.

Without a saying word,

I feel the pain, deep inside.


I write about her in my every poem,

I see her in my every dream.

I always think about her,

This is extreme!


I can see her face,

I can see her smile.

I just want to be with her but…



I am just too shy,

Even though I try.

I don't want to say a word,

Because I'll look like a nerd!


What can I do?

To take this pain from me.

There is nothing I can do,

Because now its part of me.


She is going away.

She is moving on.

I feel destroy,

And at the same time, full of joy.


I wish her good.

And all the happiness she could have.

But what am I?

I'm just shy…


Sometimes I look at the sky,

And see myself as just a guy.

Sometimes I cry,

But I just can't say good-bye.


I wished she had noticed me,

And knew how much I loved her.

But time has passed…

So, so fast.


-The end-

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