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dating is so frustrating...


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I agree that those things will show that I'm interested, but after last night he got the impression that I'm not he may not even go as far as to contact me again. Like I said with my ex, he assumed I wasn't interested and wasn't really taking it anywhere until I flat out told him I liked him. I feel like it's only bad if he isn't into me, and then it doesn't matter anyway. I'm not going to bombard him with texts or anything, just the one so he knows where I stand. If that turns him off, then I had no shot anyway plus he wouldn't be the right kind of guy for me.

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I texted him haha. I just said "Thanks again for dinner! I had a really good time. Hopefully we can do it again soon And he texted back "No problem. I had a good time to...We will have to do it again soon. How's working from home today? So jealous"


I feel better. He knows where I stand and the ball is in his court. Not a horrible response but I'm waiting to see if he follows through on it.

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^^^ agree.


More u push closer. More he will pull away.. Imo its wrong and games we should be open and honest on what we want..


But men are conguers, we wanna feel like were winning something.. buy chasing again doesn't make sense..


Because we can elimade the bs and the prize would be love, caring, companship..

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In my dating life I know I basically ruined my chances with three or four men by not leaving the ball in their court but I was good at showing interest. I also found that even if I was having an off night it didn't matter if the man was interested. I met one serious boyfriend while I had a terrible cold and wanted to disappear but agreed to go out for a quick dinner with friends. I liked the guy, but I didn't talk too much because I felt so gross. This was the olden days before internet/cell phone or answering machines. All he knew was that I worked in a company accross the street and he knew my first name (he was too shy to ask our mutual friend for my number). He tracked me down three days later by calling the company and asking for someone of my description/first name. When I answered the phone I had totally forgotten meeting him because even though I was interested, he was older, I'd looked gross/sick so I put him off my radar. Even when I insisted to him that I had no idea who he was he persisted until I remembered. Not every guy is going to make that type of effort but it hasn't been unusual in my direct and indirect experience.

I also apologize for not reading the whole thread but I hope this guy is the one you met at the bar, yes?

(and yes dating is so confusing -met many guys who were totally enthusiastic about seeing me again and then disappeared).

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I guess we have a difference of opinion on what chasing is. To me sending him one text to let him know I'm still interested isn't chasing. I'm not continuing to text him or ask him out. I don't abide by these imaginary dating rules that say since I'm a woman I have to sit back and do nothing. It's not in my personality and a guy that is right for me would not be turned off by that. I have a full and busy life so I don't need to play these games where I play hard to get. It's not like I'll be sitting around waiting for his call.

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Batya, this is the guy from the bar. I feel like I've still left the ball in his court, but let him know that I'm interested at the same time so that if he wants to ask me out, he doesn't have to worry about getting rejected. I'm definitely not confident in my ability to show interest in person, so this is kind of making up for that and now I'll back off. Dating is so frustrating now with technology haha. And in my generation, texting is the main form of communication and it's pretty common to send a text the day after a date in the early stages of dating. If texting didn't exist, everyone would be so different because we wouldn't all have immediate access to each other every moment of the day basically. It would be understood that someone will call when they have the time. But with texting, it takes two seconds so it creates all this anxiety lol. Be happy you didn't have to deal with this!

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Sorry, I wasn't being specific enough! I did answer that and asked how his day was going. He replied, I commented on his reply, he sent back another text with a comment but nothing really to reply to so that's where I stopped texting back. It wasn't a weird place to stop texting.

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I think I found a fault guys......




I know more about football than he does hahaha. He told me to look at the Bengals QB for my fantasy team cause I have Schaub and he's probably out for the season and my backup is Ponder. The Bengals QB is HORRIBLE. Projected .14 points and my guy is projected 9 something points. You can't totally go by projected points but that's pretty clear cut.


And I'm joking about this being a real fault, I just thought it was funny.

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I think I found a fault guys......




I know more about football than he does hahaha. He told me to look at the Bengals QB for my fantasy team cause I have Schaub and he's probably out for the season and my backup is Ponder. The Bengals QB is HORRIBLE. Projected .14 points and my guy is projected 9 something points. You can't totally go by projected points but that's pretty clear cut.


And I'm joking about this being a real fault, I just thought it was funny.


Hmm...He's not bad but does have a terrible matchup this week...

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DrKitten-I think most guys don't like it when a girl tries to teach them about football haha. Not I know that much, I run everything by a friend of mine. But I try to do my research at least. I take this way too seriously.


Dubb-I ended up trading with someone else. DeMarco Murray, DeSean Jackson and Flacco on his team for Calvin Johnson, Ponder and Dallas from mine. I've been really hurt by injuries so as much as I hate to get rid of Johnson, I have to do it. I had Britt to start the season...fail. McFadden's still hurt...fail. Schaub's hurt...fail. If McFadden comes back next week I'm golden cause I have Helu and I can put him in my flex spot. I should start a Fantasy Football advice thread haha.


Thanks Ms Darcy!

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Four players...that's rough! I had to pick up Damian Williams because I have Antonio Brown, Jacoby Jones, and Lance Moore all on bye weeks and was left with an empty slot. And Nelson was my other WR besides Calvin Johnson and he's listed at probable right now. And as much as I love my Bills....can't count on them lol. Hopefully this trade works out for me. I'm up against the best team in the league, but he has Brees and Andre Johnson on bye so it's a good week to play him. We have 14 teams in our league so it's really hard to pick up players in a pinch.

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If things don't work out between you and this guy call me haha. I play way too much fantasy football. But I do usually win alot of money.


I read through your whole thread and I usually dont anymore, but I wish more girls would text and initiate contact. I am a very shy person and I have gotten many girls numbers or knew girls showed interest me through the years and I still wouldn't call. If I was in that guys situation I probobly would have done the same thing, text you that night when I was still buzzed and then wait at least a week to contact you.


I finally asked a girl out a month ago since my breakup 8 months ago and I am already frustrated with the in between dates texts and no texts and calls and no calls.



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