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Girl at work


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Got chatting to a girl at work the other weekend on a work trip, managed find a few excuses to drop by her desk to have the odd convo, I slipped in the fancy grabbing a coffee line' last week and got a fairly convincing yes. Emailed 2 days later and she got back saying she had a lot on that day, which was genuine I reckon, then 2 day later I emailed again, she was out of office but replied and said maybe next week.


I was hoping for a easy coffee date then maybe drop in a drink after work if things flowed well, but I'm not sure a 3rd email or seeking her out and asking is exactly 'cool' rather pestering. What do you guys reckon would be the best move?

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Hi sevenhunt,


Whilst I wouldn't give up just yet, I would give it the ole "Time&Space" routine. i.e. leave it for a week or two. In that time you are bound to run into her again. Let the conversation flow and if the vibes are right in person, then mention you are going over the blah, blah cafe for lunch tomorrow. Has she been? Yadda, yadda!

I'm sure she can take a hint if she wants to.


Good luck



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