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Should I give up on the call?


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I posted a thread earlier on being quite confused in my relationship. It ended very soon after.


Thing is, when he told me he was giving up, I asked him to come over, we talked, it was a very calm discussion, no drama, and I explained to him how I felt. He agreed with me on some points, and told me he needed to think more about the whole thing.


As he left, he was sweet and said either "We'll talk a bit later [or I'll talk to you a bit later], ok", not entirely sure. That was about 2 days ago. We talked every day before, I don't think I went as much as 5 hours during the day without hearing from him even if we were fighting.


Question is. Should I give up and assume he will not call? Or it is too soon to assume anything?

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There is so much that is not stated in your thread. Why was he giving up? You know, sometimes, people are just not compatible for each other, and it causes tension because personalities clash and it makes them fight all the time or something like that. Were you guys getting along and this came right out of the blue? What is his reason for giving up? and was it addressed clearly in your discussion afterwards? If so, he may still be thinking what is worth what, and if you guys should go on. Regardless, remember, if you're an awesome person, you probly have a line up of guys waiting for you to go single, there's other options, what is your time worth?

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There is so much that is not stated in your thread. Why was he giving up? You know, sometimes, people are just not compatible for each other, and it causes tension because personalities clash and it makes them fight all the time or something like that. Were you guys getting along and this came right out of the blue? What is his reason for giving up? and was it addressed clearly in your discussion afterwards? If so, he may still be thinking what is worth what, and if you guys should go on. Regardless, remember, if you're an awesome person, you probly have a line up of guys waiting for you to go single, there's other options, what is your time worth?


I sort of described this in my other thread. Did not want to write a novel and bore everybody


He thinks we are too different. Reason is: we have been fighting. However, I truly believe that the reasons for the fights were silly, and do not reflect our compatibility. We get along great as people, we put the same value on relationships, and we are attracted to each other. However, I feel we were both not ready for it, we started the relationship too serious, too soon after our respective long term ex relationships ended. We both have some baggage left, which I do not think is necessarily left over feelings. I feel nothing for my ex at this point.


As a result of that though, he was not fully ready and open yet, and I got anxious and questioned things, he pulled away more every day, and I got even more anxious. We fought


In the conversations, I addressed everything stated above, and my logical reasons for what I was saying. I said that if we continue we really need to take a step back, and not force anything on each other. Which followed to him agreeing with some points I mentioned and whatever I said in the original post.


I know there are other guys that are interested and want something. But after trial and error relationships you sort of learn to recognize who might be still worth fighting for right

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Well then you need to give him some more time... If you had both just got out of serious relationships prior to your relationship currently, and it got serious very quickly, he's probly just as confused as you are and trying to do the right thing... Only, sometimes the right thing isn't so apparent, and when ya got a lot of thoughts going on, you need to address them one by one to determine the solution... Give him a couple more days. I hope things work out for you both, and that you live happily ever after!

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I hope things work out for you both, and that you live happily ever after!


Thank you!!


I am the kind of person that likes to make decisions on the spot while talking things through so this exercise is a bit hard.


I guess what is partially confusing me is "I'll/we'll talk a bit later" and not calling yet. We talked every day

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