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Why was my cat taken from me so soon?

Double J

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Last week I created a thread about my young cat's untimely demise. I found him lying dead on the street; he had no scratches or bruises so I was unable to pinpoint whether he was hit by a car, died of poisoning, etc. (He showed no signs of illness.) He was only about a year and 5 months old. It was really painful considering I found him and raised him since he was a kitten.


I see so many posts about pets living to be 10-15 years and can't help but feel a little envious. I understand that other cats and dogs don't even get to live as long as he did, and that I gave him the opportunity to live a much longer life by not leaving him in the bushes the day I found him as a newborn kitten.


However, I'm angry that I was robbed of the opportunity to see him grow old. I would have wanted him to enjoy a longer life. I put myself in his shoes and know he wouldn't have wanted to die. He was full of boundless energy. At times I feel guilty for not keeping him in my house 24/7. Even though that isn't what he probably wanted, it would have kept him safe.


I've had two previous cats that have lived to be 15 and 11, respectively. But this is the first one I truly considered my own because I found him and raised him. (My older sisters found and raised the other 2.)


My cat was very aggressive and wasn't the least bit affectionate unless he was sleepy. Still, he deserved better.


If anyone can offer words of consolation I'd greatly appreciate it. Thanks so much.

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Sorry to hear! Sounds like he was hit. Doesn't take much and probably a lot of internal injury or a broken neck. Losing a pet can be tough. I dread the day I lose mine. Rescued him from the SPCA when he was 10 weeks old. He's just a cat but has always been there through many ups and downs in my life - losing parents, losing girlfriends... People who don't have pets would never, ever understand that kind of pain.


Think of it this way. You gave the cat a year and a few months of love that it very well might not have gotten anywhere else.

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I am sorry to hear about your cat. I lost my cat at a really short age as well. She was only 3 1/2 when I had to put her down because her hips were badly broken, which even with surgery her walking wouldn't be normal. So, in her best interest and for mine as well, I put her down. Trust me it wasn't the easiest thing for me to do and I don't want to do that ever again.


It isn't fair when it comes down to either putting an animal down or having some happen to them. Though it's apart of life and it saddly sucks! Be glad that you were able to give the cat a great and loving home. It is hard letting any animal go especially when you've grown so attached to them. I know where your coming from and it is hard. But, there are other kitties that do need someone to love them and give them a good home as well.

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For a while I thought I was cursed. My first cat (not my family's cat, but mine) died when she was 4. She had a huge tumor in her stomach. My second cat, got cancer at age 4 and died shortly after. Both of them were rescue cats. Somebody found them and I took them in. It broke my heart. But eventually my next cat lived to be 13 and I hoped the curse was broken.


Some animals just have a short life and it's a blessing to share that short time with them. It's definitely not fair, but it's the way life is sometimes. That's why we make everyday worthwhile because we don't know what tomorrow brings. I think my first two cats were pretty happy up until their last days. They lived a good life and they continue to live on in my heart. I'm glad they had a place to call home. I'm glad your aggressive little kitty had a place to call home as well.

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I'm sorry to hear about your loss. I have never experienced losing a pet at such a young age -- all of my cats have lived to be at least 15 -- but I know what it's like to lose a beloved pet as I lost a wonderful kitty to cancer a couple of years ago.


Having a pet teaches us great lessons about love; pets depend on us completely, and in return, they give us unconditional love and acceptance. ANY time we can spend with them -- however brief -- is a blessing. Having a pet also teaches us a lesson about enjoying every moment we have. The loss of a pet -- especially at such a young age -- is a reminder that life is unpredictable and that, while we have it, we need to enjoy and value it.


I am sorry for your loss. It is devastating to lose a pet of any age, but I imagine that it's extremely difficult to lose such a young pet because there is that element of disbelief -- of "How can this have happened?"


Try to remember that you took good care of your pet and remember the good times. I know that for a long time after my cat died, I would think of her and cry -- even when thinking happy thoughts about her. It's totally normal.


When you're ready, I hope you'll get another pet. There are so many kitties needing homes, and I'm sure that, once you've had time to properly grieve, you'll find one. I did, though it took me about 6 months before I was ready. Hang in there.

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