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He touched my face while I was sleeping...


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It was my birthday this passed weekend. I spent pretty much the whole weekend with this guy I really like.


He knows I like him. I came right out and told him. He says he likes me too, but doesn't want a relationship. That's fine, I don't want things to change between us. I like the way they are now. Why fix what isn't broken?


On Saturday night I fell asleep for a little bit on his couch.


On Sunday morning he was teasing me about it. He said I was lucky it was my bday or else his roommate would have drawn all over my face with a marker. Then he was like "You were out cold too, I was touching your face and you didn't even wake up."


So does anyone else find this strange? I can't really say why it's so strange to me. Why would he be touching my face when I'm asleep on his couch? Maybe I'm just over analyzing things, idk. To me, touching someone's face is kind of an intimate thing. So for someone who just wants to keep it casual that sends a mixed signal.


What do you all think?

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I'm sorry, but if he isn't your bf or even a friend, but just a guy you think is "cute", I don't see (a) why you are sleeping on his couch, and (b) how touching someone who is sleeping is okay behaviour.


He is someone I consider a friend. I've known him nine years. We've been hanging out a lot since the beginning of the summer.


I was at his house hanging out and I dozed off on his couch when we were watching a movie. It was like 4am.

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I think he has huge boundary issues.


I'm sorry, but if he isn't your bf or even a friend, but just a guy you think is "cute", I don't see (a) why you are sleeping on his couch, and (b) how touching someone who is sleeping is okay behaviour.


Read between the lines. She wasn't just 'sleeping', she was 'out cold'.


"You were out cold too, I was touching your face and you didn't even wake up."


Now when one of my friends is 'out cold', I'll check for a pulse on their wrist, check for a fever on their forehead, and lie them on their side. All with good reasons. Why is she out cold? Could it be she was partying? Probably. It was her birthday afterall.

You call that "boundary issues"? what a joke.

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I don't agree that he did anything inappropriate nor do I think it meant anything significant.


I agree. Sounds to me like he was checking to see if you were really asleep or just had your eyes closed/dozing. If I want to see if someone is sleeping or wake them up, first I would call their name, speak to them, then I would touch them to see if they respond to that. I wouldn't read anything into it.

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Unless I am very mistaken, you aren't freaked out by what he did but are wondering if it means he has unexpressed feelings for you?


Yea... What he did doesn't upset me. He can touch my face all he wants. He's never done that to me while I'm awake though.

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i guess ive got a diff opnion on it.. if im seeing if someone is sleeping i might tap them on their shoulder.. i wouldnt go touch their face..


if we have been dating then a kiss on the cheek or forehead and see if she wakes up..


but touching the face a little weird..

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DUDE, the guy was teasing her about DRAWING ON HER FACE, so to test it out, the guys probably TOUCHED HER FACE to see if that feeling would wake her up.


Typical drunk activities, especially after ones birthday.




Aw, thank you.

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