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Levitra etc...


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I have a question for people who have tried this stuff. I'm only 24, but I had a sickness (not an STD or anything) whose side effect, from both medication as well as just the sickness in general, caused me to have ED for a while. Not major ED, but basically I found it hard to keep my erection going.


I had a new gf at the time and didn't want to ruin anything, so I asked the doctor to prescribe me with something to help until the effects went away.


Anyways, long story short, I really like using Levitra even though I'm 24 and generally have no issues. It makes the sex better for both of us. The only problem? It's SO expensive. $20 per pill. So you can imagine, $20 for sex isn't a lot, but when you're having 3-4 times a week, it adds up...


Anybody with experience know a cheaper alternative? Or somewhere cheaper to buy it besides rite aid etc...?

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Like you, I started taking this type of medication to deal with side effects of medication I was taking. I no longer take the medication and can get and maintain an erection without cialis. But it's not the same erection. It reminds me of Superman 2, when Clark Kent gives up his super powers and then gets in a fight in the diner with a trucker. He gets punched in the face and knocked on his butt and he has this look on his face like, so that's what it's like to not be Superman. Same thing after you stop taking one of these drugs. You penis his hard, but it's not the same 2 by 4 that will stay erect for almost as long as you want.


Anyway, here are a couple suggestions...


First, switch to Cialis. Same price and one pill lasts 36 hours or more. Unlike Leitra and Viagra, it doesn't matter whether you drink alcohol or eat a big fatty meal. Cialis will work under any circumstances.


Second, tell your doctor you want the biggest dosage possible. For Cialis, that's a 20 mg. Suprisingly, these pills are still the same price regardless of the dosage. So twelve 20-mg pills is going to cost you the same as twelve 5-mg pills. Get the big ones and then split them and, if you want, split them again. For me, I turn twelve 20-mg pills (which cost me about $180) into 48 5-mg pills for the same cost.

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Hmmm good point. Honestly I was thinking maybe Cialis is a better option? So does the 36 hours or more last regardless of sexual activity? Levitra generally wears off after you ejaculate etc.., then its done. Same thing with Cialis?


What about generic versions of these drugs?


And yeah exactly, I'm a really fit guy, no cholestorol problems nothing, but the erections I get when I use Levitra are just ridiculously different from the ones I get without anything.

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Hmmm good point. Honestly I was thinking maybe Cialis is a better option? So does the 36 hours or more last regardless of sexual activity? Levitra generally wears off after you ejaculate etc.., then its done. Same thing with Cialis?


I bet this is just because you think it's not working after sex. As far as I know, all of these drugs work by getting into your blood system. The drugs are not ejaculated out of your penis. They should work for the full period regardless of how many times you have sex. Of course, if you have sex two hours after the first round, your erection will not be as strong. But that's not because the drug is not working.


For me, I can have sex three times within the 36 hour period and I can tell the drug is still working the third time around.


Not sure about the generics. Never tried them. I always assumed that the online offers at a fraction of the price are scams.

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Alright I'll take your advice, 36 hour Cialis, seems like a better way to save money right? I'm thinking of getting Levitra one more time. So it works if I cut it in half instead of taking the whole tablet? I have the 10mg prescribed and I know there's a 5 mg...

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My advice would be to wean yourself off the pills completely. Yes, they give long-lasting erections, and that's a lot of fun - but the long-term side effects of using these drugs regularly isn't fully understood, and while they are technically non-addicting, they are a crutch that can leave you less able without them if you rely on them for too long. (For the record, I'm generally all for recreational mood and ability enhancers - just not as a steady diet.) Your internal organs, most especially your liver and kidneys, will thank you, and since your mostly external organ is working fine without them, I strongly suggest starting to learn how to prolong erection through practice and mental control. The long-term benefits are well worth it!


Good luck, have fun, and play safe!


Light and laughter,


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