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Completely deleted FB and back to the healing forum lol


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Guys, I have deactivated FB for about 2 weeks now and let me say, I feel am slowly starting to heal again.


Prior to that I had spent the last few weeks checking my ex's friends pages for "signs of life", including her on off partner and let me tell you it has set me back months. I know that some of you guys are doing this. It hurts, a lot. Hell me and my ex have been split up SEVEN months, I haven't laid eyes on her in 4 (strict NC) and there I was hoping for some kind of recon due to FB. It was delusional.


It's like picking a scab from a healing cut constantly.


I don't plan on going back on anytime yet. Try it guys, give it a week or two.

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Guys, I have deactivated FB for about 2 weeks now and let me say, I feel am slowly starting to heal again.


Prior to that I had spent the last few weeks checking my ex's friends pages for "signs of life", including her on off partner and let me tell you it has set me back months. I know that some of you guys are doing this. It hurts, a lot. Hell me and my ex have been split up SEVEN months, I haven't laid eyes on her in 4 (strict NC) and there I was hoping for some kind of recon due to FB. It was delusional.


It's like picking a scab from a healing cut constantly.


I don't plan on going back on anytime yet. Try it guys, give it a week or two.


Well done hun, i know how hard it is, i've blocked my ex on my e-mail, deleted his number, blocked any websites that i can go to and see what he's up to, it's the only way forward...you'll get there, we're all on the same road with you and we're here to hold your hand.


love and peace.


loulou x

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I also deactivated my FB straight away. I have now deleted my old profile (takes 2 weeks apparently) and started a new one with a new email address and under a different name. I only have 10 friends and they are my closest friends (my family and friends live in a different country, I have only 2 friends in this country!).

But I agree with you, best decision ever!

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i got a friend request from my ex on fb about a month ago. for two days i thought about what it could mean - did he want to chat? did he want to friendzone me, did he think we were 'cool' enough to be facebook friends? did he want me back?

I accepted the request, didnt look at his profile, then after a few days i got a message from him asking for some money he'd given me for a repair job in my flat months before we broke up. and then i knew what the facebook request was about- he wanted the money, and to be platonic with each other.

I gave him the money, but I also deleted and blocked him from FB. I cant be 'cool' seeing his little female fan club post on his wall.

stay nc, block them on fb, its for the best

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It really is. I blocked my ex, deleted most of our mutual friends. I found after a few months I could not help looking at one or two of their profiles, and even though she was blocked I could still tell certain things she had "liked" etc. One day when I was real lonely I decided to unblock her, and to my horror found out when I realised what a stupid thing I did, I couldn't reblock her for 48 hrs.


When I next logged on, I typed her name in, and yep you guessed it SHE HAD BLOCKED ME! I felt devastated, like she'd had the last laugh. Until I found she'd actually deleted her profile temporarily but by some horrbile coincidence at that time. (Friend confirmed it).


Anyway, I thought screw this, this is getting ridiuculous. I am getting sucked back into hoping for a recon when we split up over 6 months ago. So I deleted it. At first it was weird but now, it feels good being out of it. Like yourself I may start another profile and add literally people I interact with but I definatley have a fresh positive perspective on the BU.


Crazy thing is, for all I know my ex may want to see me, but as I have not seen her at all in 4 months, and it is likely to be much longer until I do, I cannot afford to wait around hoping she will come back.


Anyway, bottom line is people on here are right when they say delete all connections to an ex, inc mutual friends. If they are good enough friends they will understand.


I will say this though, when I thought she had blocked me, I felt TERRIBLE. Really spurned and rejected. Made me think.

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