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Has anyone been to see a Urologist? (UK)

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If so I have one question for you...How long were you kept in the waiting room for? I have social anxiety so I'm kind of panicking a bit at the thought of having to spend hours in a waiting room full of people. I know it will depend on how busy their schedule is etc but I just want to be sure it's not going to be anything ridiculous. It's just for a consultation/examination if that makes a difference. Tia

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Why not just call them ahead of time and let them know you have social anxiety about waiting in their waiting room. You could check in with them, and they could either put you right into an examining room to wait, or you could wait in your car and perhaps they could call or text you when it is your turn... Also, if you schedule yourself for first appointment of the day then that should be perfect for you.

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