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Don't ask out on a date.


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This is for guy's getting a girl's number because I have never tried to get a guy's phone number who I was interested in like that because I've never been interested in a guy like that.


Ok on to my post, DON'T ask a girl out on a date, ask for their number.


Walk up to hotchick_001 and be like

" Hi, my name is _____ " (get some convo going, preferable NOT about how you worship the ground she walks on.... say something about your surroundings, or if the chick is working ask her something about her work. Talk for about 3 minuets or so, and then say. "I have to go; you should give me your number" At which point you pull out your pen and pad of paper.(get these two things and carry them around with you ALWAYS.) If she says something about having a b/f, say something to the extent of "I'm not asking for his number".


This is just a broad base to start at, hope I was some help.

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