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Why do guys leave without saying bye?


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I noticed when I'm talking to guys online a lot, ones I know in real life, not from an online dating site, they start the conversation with me and talk to me for like an hour or something but leave abruptly without saying bye. Not all guys, just some. Anyway, I feel offended but sometimes they'll just start talking to me another day like nothing happened. Do you think I should take this personally though? I'm leaning toward no, as from experience they usually aren't annoyed with me or anything, but often I wonder if they left because I said something stupid. Occasionally they don't talk to me again online for like a month. I think that maybe I brought up an awkward topic or something, and that's why they just leave, because sometimes these specific guys do give a proper goodbye. The only thing I can think of is that sometimes I talk to them about other guys, but they never expressed any interest in me directly so why would they care? They might just be sick of hearing about them though..

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I think for a lot of people, this is the nature of online conversations. I personally don't do it but I know many who do. Please don't take it seriously, OP. It's not meant as a slight at all. People just think that when the convo dies down = it's over for now and they just sign off and will talk to you later. They really don't mean anything by it.

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I am definitely guilty of this. I have my computer on all day, and I just randomly hop on it to talk, then I'll tend to the kids, then I'll cook supper etc... It's just an integrated part of my life as I don't have a cellphone/telephone.


I've had people complain to me that I don't tell them 'bye', but due to the nature of how I use the computer, I cannot commit to that on a consistent basis.

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You may be overanalyzing it. Guys are just that way. They don’t always say formal goodbyes, even to each other. In fact a lot of phone conversations end with “alright” followed by “alright”. Usually we’ll say bye if you do though, plus some people don’t like saying “goodbye” because it has a sense of finality to it. They’ll usually say something different like “talk to you later” or “see you later” or something. For some people, “goodbye” is what you say when someone is literally dying.

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You may be overanalyzing it. Guys are just that way. They don’t always say formal goodbyes, even to each other. In fact a lot of phone conversations end with “alright” followed by “alright”. Usually we’ll say bye if you do though, plus some people don’t like saying “goodbye” because it has a sense of finality to it. They’ll usually say something different like “talk to you later” or “see you later” or something. For some people, “goodbye” is what you say when someone is literally dying.


Well, I also consider talk to you later or see you later as goodbye. I just mean, something final to end the convo, not just disappearing in the middle.

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