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Too manly that I can't get a date or even a one night stand.


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If you are lashing out because you are in a bad mood, you are going to burn bridges and not get any useful advice.

If you are finding it hard to contain your anger, and ANYTHING anyone else says is causing you to react with fury, then it may be best to take a break from this forum and come back to it when you have calmed down. The posts will still be here if you take a breather. I strongly suggest you go an do something that makes you happy, and re-read this when you are in a better mood.

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Whoa, whoa, whoa...this went from not being able to approach women, to hating everyone??


Is it hate or contempt I'm not sure? Just I often feel like I'm trapped with parasites, I cannot the weakness of human beings. I'm a misanthrope I think it's fair to say.

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You can't get a girlfriend when you hate all humans. Just sayin'.


I'm not a huge fan of the human race either and I don't like what people tend to do to others, but I definitely don't "hate" everyone. That's a bad attitude to have.


I'm afraid you'll be "FOREVER ALONE" until you change on this. No woman will want to be with you because she will sense that you hate everyone, including her. Why would she want to be around that? She won't.

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Actually the guy who accused me of being gay. Now nothing against gays but you make a point. You see men, they often come out with such assumptions. If you're not banging this or that, got women on your shoulder blah blah blah.


You lack confidennce or you must be gay. There can be no other reason for not being like them, someone so average and so-called normal. You know what, one of the reasons I cannot stand other men. They're so predictable and boring, and cowardly as well. They hide behind a pack mentality. I could go on and on but it would make this thread get locked.

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Wow, all I can say is get some help. Wait, sorry, that would be submitting again. NVM then, just continue on as a bachelor. Give up friends too, since you'll likely seek their approval too. Oh, don't forget to disown your family since you'll want them to be proud of you as well, which is another from of submitting to others. Quit your job too, since you don't want to have to please your boss. If you can live life cast away style, do that, since a good chunk of your human interactions will require you to appease others.

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You said you "come accross as cold, unfriendly and uninterested." Yet you "have no interest in getting to know most people because they're boring," you're indifferent to your family, and you do not admire anybody, everybody is flawed. Do you FEEL you actually are cold, unfriendly, and uninterested? Or are you looking for a reason to care and cannot find one? What about coming on here and making a conversation on this thread, is this very different than striking up a conversation with women your age as far as manliness goes? What do you do for work? (Just curious. Do you interact with people for work?)

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You're afraid of appearing weak to whom? Is there some galactic force watching you? You say you hate how weak humans appear, but you have to compare this to something, an ideal you imagined?


Afraid of feeling weak is definitely a sign that you value how others view you far too much, afraid of reprecussions even if you don't admit it or even consciously think about it. A manly man does what he has to do. Even if rejection is humiliating a confident man shakes it off and reconciles, whether from a women or a job. Do you not apply to jobs either because you're afraid of appearing weak when you don't get it?


Are you waiting for a women to approach you? That is not manly at all. Think of the manliest man you know of and I bet that guy approached women.


Life is about perpetuating the feeling the being happy, constantly searching for it. It doesn't matter if you are "manly" or not, in the end there is no manly judge. You are obviously concerned about this since you posted on this forum, despite your arguing with posters. Life isn't going to hand you a women, you have the pleasure, whether it be a relationship or just sex.


You are railing against society because you are unhappy, when a real man bends society to make him happy. Abstractly speaking of course.


Maybe you should see a mental health expert? Psychologist/Psychiatrist?

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Love is for weak people who cannot obtain power so they choose sencond best. Nobody is in love with somebody. They're either in love with their body, their money, their personality or something else.


Which is why I do not submit myself to attractive women. They know they're attractive and think can lure fools into doing what they want. Trick them into thinking they're in love. It's pathetic, it disgusts me when I see another man for head over heels for a woman just because she's pretty.

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I hope you enjoy being forever alone then. You're perfect for it. I can pretty much guarantee you that no woman would date you after knowing that you don't believe in love and hate other people. Can't blame her. I know I wouldn't.


So pathetic.

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Love is for weak people who cannot obtain power so they choose sencond best. Nobody is in love with somebody. They're either in love with their body, their money, their personality or something else.


Which is why I do not submit myself to attarcrtive women. They know they're attractive and think can lure fools into doing what they want. Trick them into thinking they're in love. It's pathetic, it disgusts me when I see another man for head over heels for a woman just because she's pretty.


So then what is the problem???


You don't want love, and you aren't getting any love...you've got what you want, no?

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So then what is the problem???


You don't want love, and you aren't getting any love...you've got what you want, no?


The problem is, I'm cursed with finding the opposite sex attractive. My body and my mind want two different things.

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I think, in your best interest, you would be best to seek a professional.


You seem be very self-centered and narcissistic;


You're not getting it. By showing interest in someone other then myself I'm being weak. Just doing so seems like humiliation.


To me yes, and I'm not joking. No human deserves admiration from me. Nobody is better or greater then me. I don't care what they've achieved or who looks up to them.


in addition to having this misogynistic view about women as well as this sense of entitlement, or nihilistic view on life;


That would work If I was attracted to men. I hate them even more then women.


I'm attracted to women but don't want to show I am because it feels humiliating and makes me feel weak.

For instance, I avoid even talking to women in public if it is interpreted as me showing interest. Not because I feel inferior or unworthy, but because I feel inferior by doing so.


Love is for weak people who cannot obtain power so they choose sencond best. Nobody is in love with somebody. They're either in love with their body, their money, their personality or something else.


Which is why I do not submit myself to attractive women. They know they're attractive and think can lure fools into doing what they want. Trick them into thinking they're in love. It's pathetic, it disgusts me when I see another man for head over heels for a woman just because she's pretty.


You will have to let those defenses down sometime, else risk spending the rest of your life alone. There is a reason people say you look pissed off all the time. It's because you are. You're going to have to explore that stuff and what caused you to become like this if you want to live your life to the fullest.


Unfortunately, those aren't things that can be fixed on this board. I'm sorry to say that you need professional help to get better.


Good luck! It's going to be hard work.


And if that's not something you'll be looking into, all I can say is that sometimes, people are just meant to be alone. You don't have to have a girlfriend or wife. And there are alternative methods to scratch that sexual itch.

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The problem is, I'm cursed with finding the opposite sex attractive. My body and my mind want two different things.


So you hate love and humans, and don't want to change, but yet you find girls pretty.




1. Google for "porn".

2. Go to a site that looks appealing.

3. Place penis in hand.

4. Urge satisfied. Done.

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So you hate love and humans, and don't want to change, but yet you find girls pretty.




1. Google for "porn".

2. Go to a site that looks appealing.

3. Place penis in hand.

4. Urge satisfied. Done.


Obviously I've never tried this before.


Masturabation is just like sex just not as good. Actually depends, sometimes it is better

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