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Should i inform my friend that her cousin randomly asked me out to lunch?


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The only time we really had some sort of interaction was at her wedding...i was a bit tipsy when we danced so i dont remember if we had a good conversation. All i remember was dancing and having a great time! He's been sending private messages on FB to comment on my wall posts, then he said, "Pretty random, but would you like to have lunch sometime? I promise not to dance." Long story short, i said yes but raincheck b/c of busy schedule. He agreed. There's 90% chance that we'll see each other again so i thought it might be better to address and let my friend know that her cousin and i are pending lunch. Any thoughts? Thank you in advance.

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It's up to you, but I really would just go out with the cousin first. Otherwise the friend is going to be too involved. Its just lunch. If it is bad, neither of you have to mention it ever again, and if its good, and you decide you want to date, then let her know. Or maybe he already has. If he invited you to go on a cruise, i would say something but for lunch, i wouldn't make it a family affair. You don't want her to interfere or stick her nose in if there is nothing there.

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