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Having Difficulty Finding a Room/Apartment


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So I decided to move out of my parents' house 2-3 weeks ago but I'm having great difficulty finding a place to live let alone getting people to respond to their postings.


I've been scouring CraigsList most everyday and all of my e-mails go unanswered. Of the phone calls I've placed, only a few have been answered by someone and they seem to offer basement apartments which I would prefer not to view (increased risk of burglary, flood, etc).


Now I have enough money to afford a 2-3 bedroom apartment with roommates but none of my friends have enough money for me to go to a broker to find a place. Unfortunately, my budget does not allow me to browse studio or one-bedroom apartments either. I've resigned that I have to take a chance living with strangers but when those strangers don't answer their phones or e-mails, what else is there to do? Do brokers have listings for people who need roommates?


I want to get this done ASAP as it will help my self-confidence and give me a fresh start after a tumultuous year.



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You should try another site rather than craigslist. Are you a student? When I was a student, I had luck with the 'off-campus housing' lists on most university/college websites. I think you could actually still browse those if you're not a student, and the people might still want to rent you a room if you're of a normal student age.

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I am not a student but I am in that general age. Unfortunately I am trying to move to a few specific parts of Queens and housing in NYC is extremely competitive. I'll look around for student housing boards (I found a great place when I went to school upstate) but no such luck so far.

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I am not a student but I am in that general age. Unfortunately I am trying to move to a few specific parts of Queens and housing in NYC is extremely competitive. I'll look around for student housing boards (I found a great place when I went to school upstate) but no such luck so far.


Oh, ok, maybe the people aren't answering a lot because the housing situation is so competitive where you want to live. I guess if you are set on that area and not somewhere else you'll just have to keep trying.

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