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scared to work full/time

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Hey Everyone,

I start a fulltime job next week, and I am terrified. Last January-August I was in an internship which required me to commute to connecticut from new jersey, 5 days a week. I worked a 9-5 shift everyday for 7 months, and commuted 2 hours in the morning, and 2 hours in the evening. It was awful. I was under so much stress and was hardly sleeping. After the internship ended I was able to find part-time work three days a week. This was a nice adjustment. I was able to catch up on sleep, get some work experience, but parttime work doesnt pay the bills. I was fortunate enough to find a fulltime job that offers health/medical benefits..10 minutes from where I live. Its a wonderful opportunity, but i am terrified. I am scared that the stress is going to get to me and I wont be able to sleep. I am scared my relationship with my boyfriend is going to go down the drain, like it almost did, when I was commuting to connecticut. I had such a difficult time. I also just started to get to know some coworkers at my part time job really well, and I am going to miss being apart of something. I am getting upset and depressed. Does anyone have any advice? or words of encouragement? Im nervous

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I wouldn't worry; 20 minute commute total is more than what most people can ask for. I used to have total of two hour commute; even then the stress was there not to mention the wear & tear on the car dealing with all the drivers around that can be hectic sometimes.


Congrats on your new job I'm sure you'll adjust quickly and find more time for yourself and your b/f!

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Just remember this-- you are working about 40 hours a week in this new job. With your commute time worked in, you were busy about 60 hours a week during your internship. That is a huuuuuge difference. It will probably take some adjusting to get used to working full time again, but you can do it. I was surprised how much better my life got when I was busy just 3-6 hours less a week. Twenty more hours to relax and spend time with your boyfriend will be a giant change from the internship.

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I used to have a long commute so I started listening to a lot of Audio Books to kill the time. It wasn't uncommon that I during a 90 minute commute, I'd sit in the parking lot an extra 5 minutes to find out what would happen next in a Stephen King thriller. Hope your new career goes well!

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