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What's an easy to get job that won't repel women?

dog stevens

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I don't know that I'd even consider this when choosing a job. If a woman was turned off by a job that I put a lot of effort into and enjoyed, I'm probably not going to care for her personality. If a guy shows some ambition, is independent, and stable -- that's all that should matter.


I would tell any guy he's wasting his time with a woman who couldn't be happy for him or respect him in that situation. Plus, there's a certain air of desperation to tailoring your life decisions around the impact it may or may not have on one's ability to attract women. Everyone I know that's trying that hard is generally unsuccessful for reasons totally unrelated to where they're working.

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You can volunteer. Considered working in geriatrics? Or volunteer and help old people... as far as I know, you don't really need an education if you spend time with them, and I think there are jobs for getting paid as well.


But think about it, you're making a difference and brightening someone's day. You'll know in your heart you made a difference, and that matters for those who have little time left in this world. It's rewarding and at the same time, you'll learn so much from them, and a bit about yourself and realize that life isn't going to be here forever. We could be gone tomorrow suddenly. We all tend to forget that we're heading down that same road. It can be a bit depressing sometimes, but it's important to have an open mind and an open heart and for us to do our best. At the end of the day, it's a job where you can go home and feel the impact you've made on someone's life, or the impact they've made on your life.

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I don't know that I'd even consider this when choosing a job. If a woman was turned off by a job that I put a lot of effort into and enjoyed, I'm probably not going to care for her personality. If a guy shows some ambition, is independent, and stable -- that's all that should matter.


I would tell any guy he's wasting his time with a woman who couldn't be happy for him or respect him in that situation. Plus, there's a certain air of desperation to tailoring your life decisions around the impact it may or may not have on one's ability to attract women. Everyone I know that's trying that hard is generally unsuccessful for reasons totally unrelated to where they're working.

^^ THIS.


OP: When you say "easy job", what exactly are you referring to? I don't understand the "easy" part. I would think any job would do, but it seems you are specifically after something "easy" which needs no effort and/or no brain power? If so, then THAT in itself is already off-putting. Can you clarify please?

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When getting a job, the last thing you should be thinking about is how it will make the opposite sex feel. Get a job for money, self satisfaction, interest, work environment.


If a woman would like you if only you weren't employed where you are employed, she's probably a loser. Honestly, I would never care about a guy's job like that. It's so vapid concerning yourself with status like that.


The only way a job would make it easier to get dates is if that job involved meeting a lot of different people (and therefore meeting more women).

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If a woman is turned off by the fact that your job requires you to do nothing more than push a button, and you laugh all the way to the bank collecting your paycheck, she's taking life waaaaay too seriously...at least, for you!!


Now if you want a job that gets dates, you want a job that turns 6 figures...some of these jobs are easy to do, but they are all very hard to get!! And few of them leave time for dating, unless you want to cut the salary in half...

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Honestly, reading your thread title, I feel instantly put off.


First, I find someone ambitious attractive, so the "I'd like the easy way through" showcases an attitude I find unappealing at the get-go. I'd rather see a guy in something more chancy that he wants to really apply a hard work ethic to, than a guy who's slid easily into a groove that's secure but doesn't ask much of him.


Second, why should you be making career choices to impress me? I don't want the power to determine such important life decisions you're making. Those are yours to make for YOURSELF. It shouldn't have anything to do with what I think.


ETA: If it's fast income you need, you need to do what you need to do, regardless of what anyone thinks. I realize you've had problems in the past with women judging you for the jobs you've had, OP, and my take is that if you need to get a job fast just to tide you over towards something bigger (as in, more befitting your true potential), that should not be held against anyone. If that's all you can find at the time, you're being practical, and I think a decent woman would appreciate resourcefulness and practicality. But per my personal affinities for hard work and goal-setting, the longer-haul attitude of my first point still stands.

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Aren't too many jobs out there that are "easy" to get, first.


The women who actually do care about a guy's job aren't worth it, at least that's what I've found. The few times my job has actually "helped" me if you even want to call it that, were very douchey moments on my part. I can admit that. And I didn't go anywhere with those girls. Short lived moments...for the best. The interest was already there. I can't imagine introducing myself and stating my job title and just having a girl in my pocket.


Honestly, it really shouldn't matter what your job is. It shouldn't matter if you have a job or not. There are plenty of guys out there who date women while not having jobs. Yeah, a few women will turn you away for not having a job. Just like a few women will turn you away for your looks, your attire, attitude, etc. The only thing that's going to increase your luck is how you approach women, building rapport..just making yourself attractive.

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Well, geez, there you go with your First absolutely contradicting your Second.


What's so attractive about the ambitious people, anyways? They're rarely ever happy in one place, and by the time they finally smell the roses they're too old to enjoy them.


It's exciting to play the lottery, and that's what these ambitious wheel spinning jobs are, but in the long run, that nice easy niche you simply slide into and do well with is quite frankly the IDEAL job to have. No stress, no day-to-day worries, no baggage of work followin gyou home. Which means when you go home, you can give freely of your time to your wife and kids - you know, acutlaly be there for them while they grow up. But I guess that's really not valued at all.

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Well, geez, there you go with your First absolutely contradicting your Second.


What's so attractive about the ambitious people, anyways? They're rarely ever happy in one place, and by the time they finally smell the roses they're too old to enjoy them.


It's exciting to play the lottery, and that's what these ambitious wheel spinning jobs are, but in the long run, that nice easy niche you simply slide into and do well with is quite frankly the IDEAL job to have. No stress, no day-to-day worries, no baggage of work followin gyou home. Which means when you go home, you can give freely of your time to your wife and kids - you know, acutlaly be there for them while they grow up. But I guess that's really not valued at all.


It's all in one's perspective. For some people work is baggage that they bring home. In my head, the baggage in this scenario is the wife and the kids, lol.

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Well, geez, there you go with your First absolutely contradicting your Second.


What's so attractive about the ambitious people, anyways? They're rarely ever happy in one place, and by the time they finally smell the roses they're too old to enjoy them.


It's exciting to play the lottery, and that's what these ambitious wheel spinning jobs are, but in the long run, that nice easy niche you simply slide into and do well with is quite frankly the IDEAL job to have. No stress, no day-to-day worries, no baggage of work followin gyou home. Which means when you go home, you can give freely of your time to your wife and kids - you know, acutlaly be there for them while they grow up. But I guess that's really not valued at all.


I have not contradicted myself in the least.


In my first statement, I was saying that I am attracted to an ambitious, hard-working attitude.


In my second statement, I was saying that no one should be job selecting on the basis of what job would appeal to me, as their partner.


There is nothing contradictory there. All I am saying is that I am not impressed by someone who wants life easy -- and from there, I'm not dictating to them which professions or jobs to choose. I'm not concerned with which job the dude has (which is the question posed by the OP), but rather an attitude. And neither the attitude of coasting along nor the attitude of impressing me with his job choice are ones I embrace.


I also don't think people who are ambitious by necessity have to choose between family and career, or be the parent who isn't there.


I find that people who are not ambitious in general (it doesn't have to relate to a job, but often it does, because people who are not ambitious are that way accross the board) tend to stagnate. And that stagnation leads to a certain kind of boredom with life. Which then turns into other unpleasant things within a relationship. I have never been with a guy who lacked ambition who didn't cling to the relationship in unhealthy ways, and who didn't feel somewhat like a dead-end as a person. Wanting more to me is a state of mind that keeps things fresh and growth-prone. Not wanting more leads to the opposite. So that's my take on why ambition is attractive. But I don't go so far as to specify how that should play out in the particulars for a guy for me to be into him.


You might think I'm contradicting myself again, but I would consider myself fairly ambitious and I wouldn't say it's hampered my ability to enjoy what's in front of me. In fact, I can often be found next to some bush or other, bending over to see if the flower on it has a scent, whether that's a rose or not.


And had my dreams worked out, I would be a mother now. I would even say that I had "ambitions" to be a mother, because I expected a lot of myself as one. I see all these values as congruent.


You see a lot of contradictions where I don't.

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I will just add one thing as a caveat, and that is some professions are a turn-off to me, only because they involve a level of opportunism that conflicts with my values. So yeah, if a guy were working as a Philip Morris salesman, no matter how ambitious he was, I'd say pass.


So if you do stuff that screws people over for a living, in that case I wouldn't date you.

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Always Wanting More - as if what is here and now is not Enough...


It's ultimately an unhealthy drive - a key reflection of everything that is wrong about the American lifestyle.


But then there was the fisherman and the fish in the sea...the fish granted him whatever he wished for, and all the man wanted he already had...His wife, on the other hand, would not be satisfied until she was empress of the universe...


These parables have greater meaning, if you haven't caght on yet...


No, your ideas are contradictory. You are saying that to be attrative to you, a man needs to be ambitious. but he shouldn't be ambitions for the purpose of attracting you. Then why on earth should he otherwise be ambitious? So he can have a bigger house, fancier clothes, a classier clientele, a more luxurious idea of the finer things in life?


Living in the moment really puts a brake on the "go-go-go" mentality once you realize life is best simply watching the sunset...

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I don't think you are understanding TOV's definition of ambition. It has nothing to do with money and everything to do with self satisfaction and doing what you love.


Also, people should do a lot of things that go beyond just attracting the opposite sex. Some people only do things just to get a boyfriend/girlfriend and that's a pretty sad way to lead your life. While TOV finds ambition attractive, people should not be ambitious for others. They should only be ambitious for themselves.

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I can't add much to what CC has said (edit: and now Dylan, too, that's part of it) -- she articulated my position perfectly. Thank you for saving me the trouble CC, lol.


I am attracted to certain qualities, but that does not mean the person should be cultivating certain qualities to attract me.


There are many reasons for a man to be ambitious other than to attract me. To fulfill a goal of accomplishing something, to express himself fully, to feel he's contributing as much as he can, to fulfill a standard of excellence, to feel he's always learning more, to find adventure in exploring new challenges. I could go on and on, it's a very personal thing.


Let's take another quality for example, to illustrate this to you. I'm attracted to a kind man. But I'd be pretty alarmed if he was trying to be kind to be attractive to me.


And we'll just have to agree to disagree regarding being ambitious and also enjoying the present moment. I think those are not mutually exclusive -- you do.


But I do agree with you that our society is obsessed in unhealthy ways with both doing and having. I very much agree with that take. I think we're a very unbalanced (I would even say sick) society as a whole, and it shows up in many ways. But that doesn't mean that in the abstract, ambition and being able to enjoy the present moment can't coexist. That a person couldn't embody both. It CAN be done. Each person is liable for their own inner sense of balance -- balancing being grateful and happy for what one has/is, and yet striving to be (not necessary acquire materially) more.

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While I certainly don't think that the OP in any way should judge his career choice on whether it may impress women in the future of not, I will admit that over the years I have met women who have specific criteria about their partner's career and background.


One of my old female friends would totally refuse to date people in the armed services as she regarded it as barbaric.


A girl I used to live with in London (strangely in my opinion) would only date people whose alma-mater was Oxford or Cambridge University. She found the whole class privilege thing attractive and would find some way of checking on the first date.


I work in IT, and get a mixed reaction when people ask me what I do for a living.

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A girl I used to live with in London (strangely in my opinion) would only date people whose alma-mater was Oxford or Cambridge University. She found the whole class privilege thing attractive and would find some way of checking on the first date.


That's unbelievable. Did you slap her accross the face in an attempt to recalibrate her ridiculous meter?

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That's unbelievable. Did you slap her accross the face in an attempt to recalibrate her ridiculous meter?


Well I didn't understand it personally, but in class conscious societies like the UK where we still have an "establishment" based on titles, family wealth, private school, university etc. that people either aspire to be part of or overthrow in equal measure it doesn't really surprise me.

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