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Why does my b/f save the letters i write him?


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My bf works out of town so unfortunately we don't get to spend alot of time together.I write letters and leave them on his table so when he gets home he can read them,Thats my way of communication and i can express myself when i am writing.I have found some of the letters tucked away where he keeps envelopes and etc.Does anyone know why men save love letters?I'm not sure where my relationship is going,we have been dating for 4-5 months now. I really love him but i wish i knew where i stood.He doesn't express himself that much so i feel like i am in limbo.He has told me that he hasn't felt this way about anyone in a long time and i am a good woman,He has told me that he likes me and he cares about me.I really don't know what that means. I feel so empty because it's hard loving someone and not knowing if the liking and caring thing could really mean that he loves me instead. I know that his ex wife cheated on him si i think that that still bothers him.But any way, I could really use some advice and a answer to my question about the letters. Thanks

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He may be keeping them because he knows that they're from you. Secondly, he could also be keeping them so he can re-read them from time to time.


My bf still has all the letters that I've given him, in fact he has a box with everything I've given him, because they have sentimental value.

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He saves them because then he can read them again and it makes him feel good.


"He has told me that he hasn't felt this way about anyone in a long time and i am a good woman,He has told me that he likes me and he cares about me.I really don't know what that means. "


Well it means what it says, sure he may be taking it slow because his ex wife cheated on him but 4-5 months isnt a great deal of time. You have nothing to worry about.

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If he is keeping your love letters then they mean something to him, which means you do to. Four or five months is not that long. He may need more time than you for his feelings to develop fully, especially if he was hurt badly by his ex-wife.


Some of us don't give our hearts away quickly or easily, but when you get it you'll have it completely with no reservations. Give him time, just because he isn't where you are yet doesn't mean he won't be.

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He is probably saving the love letters because he wants to keep the things you write him. It's a sweet gesture, in my opinion.



Agree!! I save the letters/small things my gf gives me or if it is something we did together. For example, I still have the baseball stubs from a MLB baseball game we went to when intially dating.

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