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i think i have to end up dumping my ex back....


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after 11 days of NC my ex contacted me again..she came over last nite, and we had a talk...i told her what i told her when we started NC, and that was... i couldnt be her friend, and if she was gonna test the waters with other people, or hook up with other people then i didnt want to be a part of it...a while i ago i told that if her and i got back together then this would be it..if we broke up again we would be done forever...last nite she told me that one of the reasons shes afraid to date again is because if her and i do break up again, than its done forever, and she doesnt wanna take that chance if shes not ready yet, she really wants me in her life...she asked me y i couldnt just be her friend..y couldnt i stay..she says that this isnt about other boys, or anything like that..its about her....i told her that if she confused that i would def. leave her alone, like i have been doing..she says that if her and i were to not talk for 4 months that she would forget about me..outta site outta mind( which i think is BS, because im always the one to initiate NC, and she comes running back) ..she also talked about not wanting to kiss me, because shes afraid that things wont be the same, that she wont get that "spark" that she used to get... she has sooo many fears...i just dont kno what do to anymore...should i just move up, and never look back... i kinda wanna rekindle that "spark" again, but i dont kno if i can do that if we are friends..wouldnt that work better if i went away for a while?..im so confusedd.

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If you REALLY were going to keep no contact, you would NOT have answered your phone, you would NOT have opened the door!

You may as well get back together for the time being, you guys are not over eachother. Maybe the next time you do NC it will stick. No worries most of us on here have done it too...

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If you REALLY were going to keep no contact, you would NOT have answered your phone, you would NOT have opened the door!

You may as well get back together for the time being, you guys are not over eachother. Maybe the next time you do NC it will stick. No worries most of us on here have done it too...

well she doesnt want a relationship..thats the thing..she wants to be friends for now
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Dude, I just went thru the very same thing with all the same verbage from the EX. You need to think of yourself right now and walk away with your head up. Don't make the mistake of trying to convince her of anything. The best thing you can do is walk away and cut contact. That will be the best chance you have of getting back with her but most of all you will start off on the right foot as soon as possible to getting yourself back after a breakup. If she wants to get back with you, she will let you know and the ball will be in your court. It sucks, absolutely. But it's the best thing to do because it covers both outcomes and puts you first.

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Dude, I just went thru the very same thing with all the same verbage from the EX. You need to think of yourself right now and walk away with your head up. Don't make the mistake of trying to convince her of anything. The best thing you can do is walk away and cut contact. That will be the best chance you have of getting back with her but most of all you will start off on the right foot as soon as possible to getting yourself back after a breakup. If she wants to get back with you, she will let you know and the ball will be in your court. It sucks, absolutely. But it's the best thing to do because it covers both outcomes and puts you first.
so what did you end up doing about your situation?
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so what did you end up doing about your situation?


What happened was my ex was lying straight to my face for two months. She acted like a coward and wouldn't let me go until she solidified her position with her 'just a friend'. She married him not even two months after our breakup. We dated for 3.5 years. I tried to cut contact many times but she kept coming at me with the phone calls and texts and showing up at my apartment. She just would not let it happen. It was so rampant that I actually believed she wasn't seeing anybody. We were still seeing each other 3-4 days a week. I wish I tried even harder to walk away. But knowing what I know now, I would have disconnected my house phone, got a new cell number and stayed out all night until she got the message. Trust me, this kind of stuff has happened to me before with other ex's. It's always the same. Cut the cord and walk away.

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Lol, that's one option. Or...you could walk away with dignity


I'm all for walking away with dignity. Thats a very nice way of saying "Lol you're retarded, leave me alone." these girls are wack jobs and you only get through to them by stating your perception of reality and then leaving them to figure it out.

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