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Asking her to meet again

Rey Sanchez

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So I met a girl on a dating site and we chatted for a couple of days. We had sent about 15-20 messages back and forth and I asked her to meet. She said she was timid about meeting online and asked if we could talk just a bit more. I sai dthat's fine and that I completely understood.


We talked that whole week, and then she deleted her account. I figured she had found someoen but the other day it was activated back., about a week after she deactivated it i sent her a message asking if she would be interetsed in continuing our chat and she said she would be.


So we have been talking for the past couple of days and I am still intersted in meeting her but am a bit nervous on how I should approach her about meeting, since I asked once already.


Should I wait another week? What would be a good way to ask?


I thought of something along the lines of


"Since we have continued chatting would you feel comfortable meeting now, and going to get some coffee saturday afternoon?"


I want her to know that I want to meet in the daytime so she will feel more comfortable. Does that sound good?

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"Since we have continued chatting would you feel comfortable meeting now, and going to get some coffee saturday afternoon?"


I want her to know that I want to meet in the daytime so she will feel more comfortable. Does that sound good?


I think it would be ok to ask her now in the way you describerd now....chi

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I'd say, don't wait another week but bring up the idea of going on a date pretty soon. I think the longer you wait, the more indecisive you will look to her, and interest on her side could fizzle out.

Regarding her deleting her account and coming back again, I wouldn't worry about it (now that she's back. ). Women tend to get a lot of dodgy messages from men and it quickly gets annoying and even hurtful to them, and many then see it as pointless to try internet dating. On the other hand, they wouldn't have signed up in the first place if they didn't have a desire to meet and date men. ..and that's probably why she went and came back.

Among the vast amounts of creeps to be found on that dating site, she will hope that decent men like you will find and message her. So you want to demonstrate to her that you are safe as well as genuinely interested. (-especially with this particular girl-). You can do that by being respectful, interested and reliable in your messages to her. And throwing in a bit of humour will make it even nicer for her.


Ok, now to your message asking for the date:


"Since we have continued chatting would you feel comfortable meeting now, and going to get some coffee saturday afternoon?"

- I think the honesty and the respect in it are good, but I find it sounds a bit too timid. I would ask her more confidently if I were you.


How about this little set-up...

- First, continue chatting/texting with her, talking about whatever. At the end of your last response for the day, drop in something like this at the end:

"...You know, I get the feeling you are not only very attractive but really interesting too, so I would really like to get to know you properly sometime, as in, a meet-up. ..Anyway, good night! Sleep well. Sweet dreams."


the next time, on another day, message her something like this:

-- "Hey, would you mind telling me what your favourite coffee shop is in this town ? ..And what do you usually get there ?"

...let come back and tell you ("this and that.. why ?")

then answer something like this:

"Ha ! How did I know that was your favourite coffee-drink ?! ..Anyway, I'm free tomorrow afternoon. You gotta let me buy you one of those. What do you think, would you like to go there with me tomorrow, say 4 o'clock ?"


Anyway, ..just an idea. But, whatever you write, be confident in asking her out.

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