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For the depressed people who posted here a while ago: happy endings?


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For the people who posted here a while ago saying: I'll never find love and will be alone forever, have some of you eventually found love?


I really hope you have and are happy now! I'd love to hear some positive stories/happy endings!. I read some of your posts and it made me sad. I don't think anyone deserves to be alone forever

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No, but i'm really avoiding it at the moment, since I'm entirely focused on my career. I'm even at a point where I'm worried that i'll fall in love, cos it might mess with my plans like it did last time...But I do feel lonely sometimes, however, I also know that I wouldn't be ready for a new relationship yet, I'm not quite emotionally independent enough yet.

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I've never mentioned any depression as such but I definitely get my moments when everything has felt hopeless. But the best thing anyone can do for themselves is pull themselves out of it, I know I for one can't make any steps forward in life if I am feeling miserable and moping. Simple as that. I don't want to feel down, nobody wants to be around someone who feels down, so what is the point in letting ourselves waste our lives feeling like that?


I joined here nearly four years ago, and I'm still single. I think I have seen a couple of people on this site who were alone forever then eventually ended up being with someone, though offhand I can't recall who. There are at least a few happy endings out there, perhaps their days of posting their loveless woes on ENA are now just a distant memory.

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wsim and danielj, any idea how come? are you meeting enough new people etc? are you shy?


I am fairly shy around new people but tend to eventually open up as I become more comfortable. Now that I'm out of school, I also don't meet as many new people as I used to. I work in a predominantly male field which also does not make things any easier. I have done the meetup groups and volunteering to try and put myself out there more but just haven't had much luck in terms of dating. These days, it sometimes feels like it is an insurmountable goal since I've been struggling with it for so long and now find myself as an almost 27 year old who has never even experienced a first kiss.

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I'm going with no also. It seems that it is just too difficult to really connect with people these days, and even more so when everyone I meet who could become a potential friend is always too busy to talk. I feel as if i'm at a dead end with my personal life, and almost feel as if I should just accept my aloneness and perhaps just get on with life without a partner, even though I still wish I could still have that some day. It's getting depressing. No life, no single friends, and countless evenings spent on my own in silence sifting through forums and articles about other similar circumstances is what my personal life has become. I feel like a freak.

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I'm really sorry to hear that guys, I think you really deserve someone to love and someone who loves you just as much too. Danielj, when you did the meetup groups and volunteering, did you talk to women you liked a lot or were you too shy to show them you liked them and talk to them a lot?

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wsim and danielj, any idea how come? are you meeting enough new people etc? are you shy?


In response to this... I have tried online dating, meeting people through friends and attending some events or volunteer work. I am not meeting the right people, it appears. The girls that are of interest are either already in serious relationships or not interested in getting to know me better. I've had a few who have strung me along or were playing games. There are not really any decent available single girls around my age group that I have come in contact with. All the good ones are taken, at least in my area. In my opinion, when you are no longer in school, working and have limited opportunities available, it comes a much greater challenge, especially if you never had any success to build upon.


Most of my friends are too busy with school or their significant others/families to really hang out much. It is clear that I need to meet new people and friends, but even that is not going very well.

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I haven't been here in quite a while. But when I first started posting here a couple of years ago, I was at one of the lowest points of my life. I had just been dumped by this idiot -- which turned out to be one of the best things that ever happened to me.


I channeled my anger and frustration into a different direction and decided to try something crazy. I joined E-Harmony and ended up being matched with the man of my dreams.


I am in my late 40s and I can honestly say that I never realized what real love is like until I found my sweetie. We have had so much fun the past two years. We are getting married this Christmas and I'm in the process of getting ready to pack up my apartment to move in with him.


I'm late 40s, he is early 50s and this will be a first marriage for both of us. I truly never believed there could be a happy ending waiting for me after all of those years of dating. So yes, happy endings are possible no matter how old you are. Keep your chin up!

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Citymouse! That is sooooooooooooo exciting CONGRATS I am thrilled for U! I thought my love life was over cause of how old I am lol but that's so awesome. I think that I will stay un-married for like 30 years, then get married one last time in my 60's...spend 10 to 20 years growing old together and then have a companion to die with...that would be super romantic nobody wants to die alone!! Plus when you're like 60's/70's you have already raised your children, you know what to expect out of life, you have no more mid life crisises to face yadda yadda...you are just so thrilled to have someone to share the latter part of your life with!

Now you're still young though, 40's.

OMG your first marriage are you serious that's sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo COOOL!!!! If I could do it all over again I'd of not ever gotten married until I was way older, as I said, would of saved me some heartache and some divorces on my record!!!

That's really awesome yay so happy for you! Get your dream dress! davids bridal is having a sale til Nov 21st

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Well congrats citymouse!


As for me: well I'm not among the ones who said they were depressed and would never find love, but I did make some threads here, and my situation is still similar. I keep improving where I can, and I keep meeting new women, but so far none of them has been interested in me further than friendship. Meanwhile my friends keep finding girlfriends and when they do they disappear, so our group is starting to reduce dangerously. It seems that I will have to rely more on going to dance salsa than my usual group of friends.

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I used to regularly post in here and the "dating/shy people" forum. Eventually I just didn't see any point anymore, whining about my situation wasn't helping me any and reading about other people in the same position wasn't helping. I gave up.


After a year or two, I found someone. I believe this person may have been bipolar. Had a short lived absolute whirlwind of a relationship. From start to finish was around 8 months. In the beginning she was extremely loving, then she became clingy to the point where it was affecting both of our mental healths. Then there was a period of about 2 months where she just HATED me before she finally dumped me. In the last 2 months of the relationship it was only my love for her that held us together; she seemed to be with me out of comfort more than anything. She doesn't talk to me at all anymore (1 month post break up). She doesn't hate me anymore, she just doesn't care about me either way. I feel like it was all a lie.


I feel like I have lost myself completely. I am no longer interested in any of the things I was before and during the time I was with her. Even so much as loading up a video game and playing it (something I used to enjoy) feels like a massive effort and then I have to turn it off after 10 minutes because I'm so bored. I feel like I have no reason to live anymore, not that I am thinking about suicide. If it wasn't for work I would have nothing at all. My state of mental health at the moment is seriously affecting my work performance, too.


On a daily basis I try to muster up the motivation to turn my life around. But I have been there, and done that, and I know even at the best of times there has been nothing for me. I feel doomed to remain single permanently. My family is tired of hearing about it, my friends know I'm a lost cause. They don't understand where they have it easy compared with me. I am lost more than ever, and at 27 I am really beginning to worry.

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The answer is no. Although I did experience my first relationship which lasted only 3 weeks still I wasn't happy with the relationship and to make matters worse she was still living with her ex boyfriend. I don't think ill find love. I have been looking into the option of a friends with benefits relationship. I'm tired of not doing anything or not going anywere.

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I found someone. The problem is, I don't love myself and being with someone else makes that incredibly obvious.


Yep, I can relate to that. It's why I'm still single for the most part.



Edit: LoL! Just realized what post # this is for me....ya.... my luck is pathetic.

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Freakin A... I love myself, i might be bordeline arrogant in some situations...i still havent found love, i was lucky enough to go on a 8-month journey with a girl and lose my virginity earlier this year, but it didnt turn out to be anything...


SO nope, I still haven't found love and it sucks...but oh well the girls i do talk too dont really seem keen on finding a relationship so Eff-em..


Il be honest with you guys, since that last girl i messed with that didnt turn to be anything, i look at women differently and more or so in a bad light, im trying to change my ways...but i haven't found any women worth a penny lately.

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Nope, I still haven't found anything concrete. Men I like eventually lose interest and the men that I don't see as a potentials like me. Its so backwards. I try to go outside of the box and date just to see if there is SOMETHING there but heck, if I don't feel a smidge of chemistry I don't feel its worth my time or theirs. So needless to say, yes Im still single and still come on ENA for advice or to give advice. Its been almost 4 years from my breakup. I am 32 and it worries me every single day that I will never find someone that loves me enough to build a relationship/family with. This is the one thing that I want most in my life right now. All I can do is deal with the everyday emotions and continue on this journey. I am numb pretty much. Congrats to the happy endings btw, gives me hope to know.

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i am single and i feel that i will probably be single for the next while. just ended a LTR 2 weeks ago and lost all hope in men in general. i gave it everything i had and i was ready to get married and have children when i hit 30. too bad change of plan, he doesnt want the same thing. so here i am breaking down with my tears relying on friends and families for support, but you know they only want to hear so much, the rest is upto me to get over it. now at 28 i know what i want (a family and to be a mother to multiple children) i wonder if my dream will ever come true because i realized what i want too late.

i have a good job, i am independent, i have a dog/cat who loves me, all the mother figures think i am a great wife material, i am easy on the eyes...yet single and the love of my life does not want to be marry me and if i wait around who knows if/when he will ever...

i will have many more sad lonely tearful nights. i dont have that many friends because i dont trust many people. i will probably visit this site daily to seek support and give advice. people say i am too nice and kind and quiet that others will often use me but i dont want to change into someone nasty, deceitful and hard hearted. i want to be the kind caring and loving me and hope that someday, just someday a man, just one man will be able to see that in me and appreciate me, love me, marry me for the person i am.

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