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So oct 20 was the 2 year anniversary of my breakup. the 22 was the 2 year anniversary of my ex and his new gf. On the 21, for the first time ever, my exes gf came under the "people you might know" section of my fb. we have only one mutual friend in common and it never shows people with just 1 friend for me... almost always the people that pop up have 5-10+ mutual friends. she's never shown up before in the 2 years theyve been going out. is this just a coincidence or could one of them possibly be looking at my profile? I have my ex blocked but not his gf. they live 3/4 of the way accross the country now. this really bothered me, i just dont see why fb would randomly recommend her as a friend at that specific time, it seems like it has to be more than a coincidence. has this happened to anyone else? obviously those couple of days were hard for me and seeing that made it sting even more.

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I don't know how the "people you might know" thing works, but the same thing happened to me. All of a sudden, my ex's fiancee popped up on there. I ended up blocking her, mostly for my own benefit because she kept posting pictures of the two of them together. I'd suggest blocking her. Whatever makes it easier.

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No I don't thinks so. I think facebook have gone overboard and want us to be friends with everybody and anybody even if you only have 1 friend in common.


I agree with this. I have also received recommendations for a person in which I just have one friend in common....

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the whole time period thing weirds me out. i scrolled through the list and there are hundreds of people who i have 5 or more friends in common with. i tried to find her on the full list of people who i might know for over an hour and she never showed up. i guess it could just be a coincidence, but it seems strange to me. why would she randomly show up on that particular day? ugggg

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the whole time period thing weirds me out. i scrolled through the list and there are hundreds of people who i have 5 or more friends in common with. i tried to find her on the full list of people who i might know for over an hour and she never showed up. i guess it could just be a coincidence, but it seems strange to me. why would she randomly show up on that particular day? ugggg


That's the universe for ya. It's like running into that person you were hoping to avoid and then "BANG!" there they are.

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Honestly, I have this happen all the time, and oddly enough, more often than not the people that are suggested to me have NO mutual friends. So...yeah. I don't know exactly how it works but I think Facebook takes everything into account - from the friends you have in common, to 'liking' the same pages, playing the same games, having the same interests listed, etc... I don't think it's based on just mutual friends. Also, may have just been an odd coincidence and I agree with Dylan - the universe has a great sense of humor at times

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LinkedIn and Google are other ones you've got to watch out for. My ex has Google gmail, and either she's been Googling me trying to figure out what I'm up to or I'm still in her gmail address book. Either way, Google took all her gmail addresses (by her choice or not, I don't know) and something like 5 of her friends suddenly showed up as "People I May Know" in Linked In. I have nothing in common with these people - I mean nothing - except knowing my ex. A few weeks later, my ex showed up as someone I "may know." Deleted her so fast I strained my clicking finger.


Google and LinkedIn share information. Ironically, you can learn more about this by Googling it.


Friends, beware what personal info you put out on the web.


I wonder what her new husband would think of this. :saturn:

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