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So, how bad do fillings hurt?

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Apparently, I have six cavities. For the first time ever even HAVING cavities. Be honest, what am I in for? And let me say, I am a WUSS with negative 1 million pain tolerance. And gag at the drop of a hat. This is gonna be torture. This is literally my biggest nightmare. I think I am still in the not accepting stage. And naturally, they are on my back teeth, which, I only blame myself for, because I gag when I try to brush back there, so I don't get them that well. Well, good job me, I made it a billion times worse than it needs to be just because I couldn't suck it up for a few seconds. Yeah, I hate myself right now. ](*,) I do NOT want to even deal with this, but, I have no choice. I also kind of feel bad for the people who have to work on me, I am their nightmare patient. Which, I feel guilty and embarrassed about, but I can't help it. Sorry, ill stop now... I just am looking for what exactly I am about to go through. Uh. I so wish I was a stronger, pain tolerant person that could just do this and not stress over it, but, it is the only thing occupying my mind.

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Six cavities (on 6 different teeth??) in one checkup? That's a new world record I think. I had the previous world record with four.


I'm not going to pretend it's nice...but it isn't that bad. The worst part is the needle. I've had at least 50+ novacaine shots in my life and it's not that big of a deal. They're tiny needles and at most you just feel a pinch. Believe me if you're a nightmare patient for a dentist I'm the reincarnation of Lucifer himself.


Afterwards you go to look like Sloth on one side of your face, since you're completely numb and you drool all over yourself. You also talk like mongo. That only lasts for a few hours though, so enjoy it! Personally I like going to meetings at work like that, it sets the bar real low.

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Dude good luck. I had to get 2 done and I hated every moment of it. Plus it wasn't cheap with insurance. Best of luck to you brother.


Thanks, not to jack the op's thread here but yeah I'm waiting over a month for my insurance to "clear" it before it's done. One month. Luckily my insurance pays for most of it but yeah it's not cheap. I think I'll go in drunk to start with, then he can fill me up with a local.

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Don't worry about the needle, they can usually numb the spot first with a swab, so you might not feel a thing. Concentrate on your toes, not your mouth, and breathe to help stay relaxed. Bring an ipod and headphones if you can, it will help you relax. And let your dentist know your concerns, that you might need extra novacaine, it's your first time, you have low pain tolerance and a high gag reflex. Talk to them about the gagging problem while brushing, too. They may have suggestions, or perhaps a different type of toothbrush. Last time I was in the dentist chair for an extra long procedure I kept thinking how it could be worse, I could live in a time without novacaine or good dentists, or I could be a civil war soldier getting a leg amputated without painkillers... After that, sitting in the cushioned chair for a few hours with a numb mouth felt easy.

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Talk to the dentist ahead of time and explain how you are feeling. Trust me you will not be the first person to ever tell the dentist you are really nervous and afraid of the pain.


Many dentists can use some sedation to help you relax before the procedure. Then they apply a numbing gel to your gum so you don't even feel the needle go in. And then of course the shot of novocaine will totally deaden the area and you'll feel nothing at all. You can also try having laughing gas during the procedure and that will relax you even more.


Just work with your dentist ahead of your appointment and they'll help find the right setup to make you feel comfortable. It will all be over before you know it.

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I've never been a fan of fillings but I'll get them done if they need to be done.

The last thing I had done was a root canal which didn't hurt at all.

It just smelled bad.


Here's some thing to be prepared for in a typical fillings procedure

Honestly there will be some pain there at various times.

There's the needle pain

Sometimes there is pain when drilling when not enough numbing serum has been injected.

There is a bit of pain and discomfort when they place a metal clasp thing to mold the filling as sometimes it catches on your lip.


I think the above varies depending on how rough the dentist is.

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There are dentists around who advertize that they cater for nervous patients, so try to find one of those, and when you call, explain the problem and find out what they can do for you. I used to be obsessive about dentists, in the sense of obsessing for weeks or months before the appointment, so I've had to work on myself, and got to the stage of not minding going, hardly at all. I went yesterday, actually. I've been learning to meditate lately, so I practised that while he was examining my teeth, blowing air onto the sensitive spots. I tried breathing out, meditatively, each time, and honestly, it didnt bother me. I found that I've got good at zoning out and thinking about something else.


Actually, the actual discomfort of having a needle is very very minute, but what is the bad part, I think, is the fact that someone else is having the control over you, and the anticipation of what it's going to feel like. The actual sensation itself is nothing really. If you gave yourself that 'pain', and had the control over it, it probably wouldn't bother you. It's largely in the mind. Yesterday I unexpectedly had to have a filling, but one which didn't require drilling. I had the choice to not have an injection, and thought I would have a practise at being brave, so had it without, and felt no discomfort at all.


I happen to have a lovely dentist who is a very gentle and considerate sri lankan guy, and I focus on the fact that he's so nice and is looking after me and how lucky I am to be able to have him each time (seeing as its a public health dentist), and sometimes actually can even find it quite a pleasant experience going to him. I did once get a Chinese lady who seemed to do every movement as roughly as possible. She even banged my head on a cupboard door, if you can visualize that (my head was downwards with the chair lowered at that time). I asked if I could not have her next time and if I could have the sri lankan guy, and that seemed to be totally fine with them, so I ask for him each time now. 'The Universe (or something/someone) has been very kind to me, because I moved from one area to another a few years ago, and when my next appointment came up with the public dental system in the new area, to my amazement, I got him again, as he had happened to have moved there too. It makes a huge difference to have a lovely dentist. You definitely need to avoid any nasty ones.


The drilling isn't bad either. It's what you make of it. It's not as bad as I used to anticipate. You don't feel it. I happen to be hyper senstivie and make a big deal of lots of things (in my mind), so I've had to work on myself and not focus on the fact that if I had a choice,

I would prefer to be doing something else than feeling a drilling sensation (even though a drilling sensation isn't too bad at all). I focus on something else, like the reward I'm going to give myself afterwards


You might not have time to pysche yourself up like this before your appointment comes up, so it'd be good to find out beforehand what strategies the dentist can use for you. Maybe he would even give you light anaesthetic and do all the 6 fillings in one session. They do it for wisdom teeth extractions, so I don't see why they wouldn't for 6 fillings.


I have a bit of a problem with gagging too. Yesterday they had to do 2 x rays which involved leaving a bit of thin rubber stuff between my teeth for a minute or 2. Knowing it was there used to make me gag, but I psyched myself to realize that it was only knowing that it was there that made me tend to gag, and that if I didn't focus on this sensation of "if you move a certain way you'll gag', but instead focused on anything else but that 'if' thing, there was no reason to gag, and I didn't gag. The first one, as soon as he had taken it out, I gagged, but the 2nd I focuses on 'there's no reason to gag', and I didn't gag. I also concentrated on breathing out.


Anyay, like I said, it's largely all in the mind, and in time you might overcome it too. For now, let the dentist know your issues, and he will probably want to avoid any nasty scenes himself, so will should do something to make it bearable for you both!

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Six is nothing! I had 14 cavities filled the last time I went. I have really, really bad teeth though. Very prone to cavities, despite me being anal about caring for them.


They do a topical anaesthetic before they give you the injected local anesthetic, so it's pressure, not pain. And like avman said, just let the dentist know your concerns. You will not be the first nor the last person to have fears about this sort of thing. I've had a lot of dental work done, and cavities really do not hurt at all.

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If you're truly terrified you can get sedation. I had two fillings last december and I was so scared that I was shaking during the examination so my dentist booked the actual procedure to be done at a "sedation clinic" At that place they were really nice, they just put a small needle in my hand (and I hate needles but this wasn't so bad, I couldn't even really see it because they stuck something over it) and I was left in this sort of dreamy state where I only remember parts of it. They then injected anethetic into my gum so when they begun the actual work on my teeth I felt no pain. I got a cab home with my friend after (you need to have someone there with you to take you home else they won't do it), slept for a while and felt totally fine.


The worst part of my entire experience there was me trying to drink water afterwards and dribbling it down my face because my lip was numb! I felt pretty stupid

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I have never had a filling hurt. If you are that nervous though I would tell the dentist you are. Many people swear by sedation. I had that for surgery on my jaw and I will NEVER do that again. NEVER.(sedation that is, was the worst dental experience of my life)

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Six is nothing! I had 14 cavities filled the last time I went. I have really, really bad teeth though. Very prone to cavities, despite me being anal about caring for them.


They do a topical anaesthetic before they give you the injected local anesthetic, so it's pressure, not pain. And like avman said, just let the dentist know your concerns. You will not be the first nor the last person to have fears about this sort of thing. I've had a lot of dental work done, and cavities really do not hurt at all.




Do you by any chance chew gum that is not sugar-free?


When I was in high school I had a ton of small cavities all over and we figured out the culprit. Chewing gum that was not sugar-free. I immediately made the switch and it helped alot. My teeth are also prone to cavities because I have low calcium activity and there is nothing I can do to improve it. So, I have to do alot of maintenance to prevent cavities.




I have had cavities, root canals, and dental surgery and I find getting a filling and even a root canal a fairly painless experience. But I have grown accustomed to receiving the needle to do the numbing part. The most uncomfortable thing for me though is the drilling and grinding sounds while they are working on my teeth. It just makes me cringe, but I do not react much during my dental procedures because it will make the whole process go by faster if you are cooperative.


If you suffer greatly, then you need to let your dentist know beforehand so they can make the proper arrangements. Many people struggle with going to the dentist so they are used to dealing with it. Just let them know.


Good luck!

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Thank you guys! I sadly think it is even worse than just cavities, at least a few. I think I might need a few root canals ugh. Can't handle this. i just keep telling myself that even if it is the worst of worse, I at least am lucky enough to be able to take care of it, even though I so do not want to deal with any of it. I need to get it done, before christmas I am hoping. As soon as I possibly can. Do NOT want it to get worse than it already is and I just want to be done with it and do everything I can to never happen again. It is what it is, and I just have to deal.

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Thank you guys! I sadly think it is even worse than just cavities, at least a few. I think I might need a few root canals ugh. Can't handle this. i just keep telling myself that even if it is the worst of worse, I at least am lucky enough to be able to take care of it, even though I so do not want to deal with any of it. I need to get it done, before christmas I am hoping. As soon as I possibly can. Do NOT want it to get worse than it already is and I just want to be done with it and do everything I can to never happen again. It is what it is, and I just have to deal.


Make a start on it as soon as possible, to get it out of the way. And let us know how you go. You will handle it better than you think. All the best!

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Make a start on it as soon as possible, to get it out of the way. And let us know how you go. You will handle it better than you think. All the best!


yeah, we are gonna try to call another dentist this week (that takes our insurance) to make a regular visit, see what they say and go from there. Either way, its gonna suck for me, but, i have to get through it. and thank you i will keep this update. I will say though that, despite my horrible gag reflux (which is what caused this to begin with) I MADE myself work on those teeth for a good 30 seconds last night. I can tell a difference and how much I have been neglecting them and how NOT worth it it is. I am also using my mouthwash again. I finally GET it. Don't care if I gag the whole time, STILL TAKE CARE OF YOUR TEETH, otherwise you will be gagging even more getting them fixed.

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yeah, we are gonna try to call another dentist this week (that takes our insurance) to make a regular visit, see what they say and go from there. Either way, its gonna suck for me, but, i have to get through it. and thank you i will keep this update. I will say though that, despite my horrible gag reflux (which is what caused this to begin with) I MADE myself work on those teeth for a good 30 seconds last night. I can tell a difference and how much I have been neglecting them and how NOT worth it it is. I am also using my mouthwash again. I finally GET it. Don't care if I gag the whole time, STILL TAKE CARE OF YOUR TEETH, otherwise you will be gagging even more getting them fixed.


Hi, I feel your pain. I have terrible teeth from bad childhood habits. I'm only 27 and have had a root canal, a ton of fillings, and now I need to get a tooth pulled and implant put in. I'm really scared so keep putting it off.. Anyway good luck with your dental work. I will check back for updates.

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Hi, I feel your pain. I have terrible teeth from bad childhood habits. I'm only 27 and have had a root canal, a ton of fillings, and now I need to get a tooth pulled and implant put in. I'm really scared so keep putting it off.. Anyway good luck with your dental work. I will check back for updates.


oh never put it off! I regret even not going to the dentist for a while and not getting xrays a year ago ( i did that because no insurance and paying out of pocket. thats what credit cards are for Regret that. Because what if it was starting a year ago and kept getting worse?!?!) But I hear your fear. Believe me, Like I said, I am the BIGGEST baby EVER (its rather embarrassing) but, I know that if I don't GET whatever is going on fixed ASAP, it will only get WORSE and I definitely DON'T want to deal with WORSE. I honestly half want them just to sedate me and do it all and wake me when its over, I am THAT bad. lmao.

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It depends on how deep the cavities are. I had mine done without any anesthetic. When it started getting closer to the root at first it felt cold, then it started feeling a little painful, but it wasn't too bad.


I am worried they are deeper than they think. I finally saw my teeth (the bad ones) and I feel how much they hurt. This is why I am terrified its gonna be a bigger deal than just cavities. But, in my defense though, I HAD been trying to get a hold of a dentist with our insurance since AUGUST, but, they never are open when I try... so annoying. So finally I found the dentist up the street and they are cheap, so we went there. Regardless what is going on though, I WANT anesthetic. Like, the numbing shot (even though I HATE needles. I'd rather be numbed up for this crap.) Ugh just NOT looking forward to dealing with this. Every day I wake up and wish that it wasn't real.

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