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Do men have "types"?


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I've personally always been very attracted to short/cute girls. In fact all but one of the girls I've dated was over 5' 3". It's not because I'm short myself as I'm about 6' 1" it's just something that attracts my eye. But, to be honest all women attract my eye, I think it's just coincidence really.

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I think opposites attract....but they don't stay together. That's in terms of personality though.


I've learned this the hard way many years ago and now I only seek out people who are like me in personality.


By the way I second this completely. I think in terms of attraction someone who is completely different than you are just ups the intrigue factor and the general mystery of the relationship. When it comes down to it later on having someone who thinks like you do and has a similar emotional/logical reaction to handling problems is much more preferable, to me anyway.

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My boyfriend likes blonde "girl next door" types, on the taller side but not taller than him, without *huge* breasts but with curves still. He also likes a girl to be intelligent to be in a relationship with her. I pretty much match his type. It doesn't mean he'll never find other types of girls attractive, this is just his usual type.


I actually don't have a set type, it's really weird. I have things I want in a guy but no real set type.

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I agree that everyone has a "type" whether they're male or female. I don't mean just looks wise, but personality wise too. For example I look for an intelligent man with a good career. Preferably speaks another language too. Sounds fussy but that is my "type."

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Personality wise I like guys who are intelligent but not arrogantly so, who can make me laugh and be silly at times but who can also hold a serious conversation with me (I love casual debating). Someone who is interested in things and isn't one of those people who never has a real opinion on anything. Someone who isn't traditional in the sense of expecting me to fulfil a typical female gender role, I am girly and not girly at the same time in many different ways and I am definitely a dominant person in my relationships.


Looks wise though, I tend to prefer guys to be taller than me (I have no idea why), and usually guys with short hair. That's about it.

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I have to admit that I do always like a pretty woman of any 'type', at least to look at. Not 'hot' but pretty/cute, as others have been saying.

Also, I find it very important that they are smaller than me (easy, as I'm 6'1"), and for me they have to be slim and somewhat shapely.


And the type I can just go crazy about, in all honesty, is cute little Asian women. Petite body, long black hair, that mysterious air about them, and those Asian eyes....*melt* (Don't know why that is, as I am completely Caucasian myself, physically-speaking.) Thank God my city is full of them.


Just for the joy of it, I will include a picture of a woman that would make me drool all over the place.



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I can agree that people have types - traits, whether physical or personality, that they are particularly attracted to and seek out - but I actually don't think most people are as rigid in sticking to their "type" as what people have posted on this thread. When I look at the people my friends have dated, they have things in common, but it's hardly a succession of look-talk-act-alikes. I don't have any friends who have only dated blondes, or brunettes, or guys who like literature and also have a terrific fashion sense, or rocker chicks who also like to act.


For example, I suppose my type would be tall, thin, athletic looking guys, very "clean" but down-to-earth looking. Personality: smart, driven, very sharp sense of humor, thoughtful, kind, adventurous, curious and more on the quiet side. That's what I say if you ask me to describe my ideal guy, and if I'm sitting at a cafe picking out gorgeous men on the street, a good chunk of them will fall in that physical description. But I've been wildly attracted to guys who look VERY different (blond, brunet, redhead, jet-black hair, not-so-tall and VERY tall, not-so-thin and stick-thin) and to guys with different personalities as well. I'd say the personalities were more consistent, but again, there was quite a bit of variation. And that's what I've observed with my friends as well. My sister has a very specific theoretical type, but the guy she's been most madly in love with didn't fit the type at all.

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Lol girls have types, so of course guys do too.


I like sophisticated guys, that are happy and cheerful but focused. You know, the types that are intelligent and are worldly. Love the arts, can talk history/philosophy/politics/ etc. Tall, lean muscle, dark hair. Bright smile. A down to earth, relaxed vibe. Mmm.


Weird how I never usually end up in relationships with them though. It's hard to find sb that has a balance of dedication/seriousness and fun. Who's also accomplished. It's always one or the other.


Pass me one of those too.

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