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i don't know, i think i'm done

boxcar racer

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Anything you care to talk about, or is it just an overwhelming feeling that truly 'came out of nowhere'?


Lack of a good friend, loss of a loved one or broken relationship perhaps? Consider seeing a doctor, getting on some happy meds, and possibly working through your problems.

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OK, there is a big difference between daily happiness and existential joy. So i think no matter whom we are with , or what is our background we still can stay happy!, .......It is a self balancing universe which means everything naturally goes towards harmony, balance and moderation.every living being including animals,plants ,...are attached to this harmony and are filled with existential joy, it is only human being that forget about its being and tends to become its doing!.....We attract what we are(our being), and we do not attract what we want......!, we should look at it in this way that there is nothing wrong with the universe but the problem is we are not who we are, that is why we are not filled with the existential joy!......., i hope my words being helpful to you!, and i will be more than happy to open conversation with you if you want me too.!......when you say I am done it means you are trapped with your doing and you have become afar from your being!....we should live an inside_out life and not the reverse!....

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The past few days have been rough. Thank you for your replies. I'm on a stronger dose of meds now but not really helping. I have no friends. Work is really difficult due to loss of friends and terrible environment. My depression is getting the better of me and i've lost contact with people. I had one person i could talk to about this but not anymore. Last night i sat and thought about how to do it because right now it seems like an option. That scares me but all signs point to yes. I've thought about writing goodbye letters to my family. Even writing this makes me feel worse but this is all i know.


This is the darkest time in my life and i want it to end.

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If you have that much courage to end your own precious, invaluable life, you can do ANYTHING. Don't say you "don't know," because there WILL be a way if you seek it more actively. Please stop thinking about ending your life. I don't know you but there are so many people who care for you, including me and everyone here! Be strong, you can do it!!! There is so much love in this world, so much for YOU too.

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You are typing this cause your conflicted. Thats what happened to me. 6 years ago in my head I wanted to die but in my heart I wanted to live. To be honest I could just talk to a professional or a doctor. It won't help, they don't understand what your going through. I actually tried taking my life but I failed. Which i'm thankful that happened. What helped me was to talk to someone who has been through these feelings. Feel free to message me if you want. Theres a way out of feeling this way... trust me

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