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My last words to my ex.. take a look

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Not poetry but the closing to my final words to my ex who moved away last week. Be VERY critical, I want this to be memorable--after all they will most likely be my final words. The names have been removed to protect the innocent, also removed inside knowledge.


Should be read to american beauty closing score



You are one of the most beautiful, loving, self-sacrificing people I know. I am really going to miss you. I feel like I’m at the end of a movie hoping so dearly for something after the credits, or maybe a sequel. , I don’t know if there’s a heaven. I hope there would be because I might get to introduce my sister and grandfather to your mother. But it’s moments like these that demand meaning from me—meaning that I don’t find in this world--so I believe in God. When he does review my life, as it flashes before my eyes the second before I die, I know some of those memories will be of you.


Memories of or our courting experience, legs wrapped so tightly as if tied by Gordian himself. Or the first firefly I ever saw outside your place, right by where we would sit together—a ballroom of dancing stars. The the tickles, and the youthful abandon. The hours spent waxing philosophical in your office. Or all those many movie nights I spent cuddling with an angel on a small cloud in heaven. Or your ability to spark the best poetry and originality from a man who is known for his adaptation. Or how I was so happy being with you that I lost track of everything, including life itself. And how you looked the last day I saw you. And your beautiful voice. And Zelda.


I guess I never had a chance to show you my truest feelings or full potential. But in the end I guess that doesn’t really matter does it? One day, when much time has passed I will no longer regret the things I did, or chances missed. I won’t be sad that circumstance wouldn’t allow love to grow in your heart, but I will be absolutely elated that it grew so wildly in mine. In the end, I will only thank God for every single moment that you were a part of my stupid little life. I only want you to know that you are unmatched in this world -----, and there was only one reason I feel in love: you. And as tears fall down my smiling face, as I type these final words, I just want you to know: I pray for the best for you in your life, I know you will be happy, and….


I will always love you.


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ha ha.. of course.. I actually revised it a bit. I think I'm sending it tonight




You are one of the most beautiful, loving, self-sacrificing people I know. You truly are an angel . I am really going to miss you. I feel like I'm at the end of a movie, hoping so dearly for something after the credits, hoping for a sequel. Kelley, I don't know if there's a heaven. I hope so. Then I could introduce my sister and grandfather to your mother. But do me a favor would you? When you go back there, look for me please. And if I make it there, I'll make sure to look for you too. But either way, when God does review my life, as it flashes before my eyes the second before I die, I know there will be memories of you.


Memories of bold romantic overtures, legs wrapped so tightly as if tied by Gordian himself. Or the first firefly I ever saw outside your place, right by where we would sit together and watch--a ballroom of dancing stars. The , the tickles, and all the youthful abandon. The hours spent waxing philosophical in your office, or all those many movie nights I spent cuddling with an angel on a small cloud in heaven. Or the poems and the proclamations of love. Or how I was so happy being with you that I lost track of everything possible, including life itself. And how you looked on the last day I saw you. And your beautiful voice. And


I guess I never had a chance to show you my truest feelings or full potential. But in the end I guess that doesn't really matter does it? One day, when much time has passed I will no longer regret the things I did, or chances missed. I won't be sad that circumstance wouldn't allow love to grow in your heart. I will only be elated that it grew so powerfully in mine--that I dared, that I hoped, that I risked anything to love you that much. In the end, I will simply thank God for every single moment that you were a part of my stupid little life. I only want you to know that you are unmatched in this world Kelley, and the only reason I fell in love was you. And as the tears form a stream down my smiling face, as I type these final words, I just want you to know: I pray for the best for you in your life, I know you will be happy, and...


I will always love you.


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I haven't got the guts to send it. I'm sending to tonight. She knows it's coming. She's been chcking her email frequently actually.


But I doubt she'll respond though. She never does. I really don't care if she does. It's not some last-ditch effort to "win her back" it's only to tell her I will always love her. It's like the ending of a sad movie. It's like the words I want to remember years to come. I want to think back and remember, "I loved her so much that I let her go, I loved her so much that I would gladly suffer for her happiness"


That's how I want to remember her.

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Hey Tiger,


I only have one critique of your letter don't call your life stupid. You really should not put yourself down in this letter because it just does not fit in there. I read this and thought to myself that this man is truly a gentleman. He is letting go the woman he loves for her to be happy.


I can only tell you one thing and that is I did the same thing with someone I loved more than my life itself. I let her go and let her experience life as she wanted to with out a boyfriend. I hooked up with her when she was 18 and we dated for five years. I was to marry this woman and when she came to me and told me how she felt about experiencing life I had to let her go.


It was the freaking hardest thing I did in my life and I still to this day think back to those days. I am still a bit heartbroken over that whole experience. You did the right thing no matter how much you hurt. I commend you on this painful action you are doing. Someday you will look back at this and you will smile knowing that you did the right thing even against all of your heartfelt feelings.


Sorry about your loss and I know exactly how you feel right now!


Hubman 8)

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You really should send this to her. I think she will have a fond appreciation of what she is leaving. If sending this to her will make you feel better then go for it and to heck with any consequences.


Let us know how it goes.


Hubman 8)

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Oh i'm going to send it. Just building up the guts to press "send" I guess. Actually this is the last thing I'll ever say to her, so it's neve racking. Espically when you guys make it sound like she'll respond. I doubt she'll respond. I've sent her things like this before when she lived here (she moved away 2 weeks ago) and she was sooo happy that I loved her that much. You should of seen how much she loved these proclimations of love.


But that and the 100s of other things was never enough. I couldn't break an attachment she had with her "first love" of with she had 4 years history (compared to my 4.5 months), and the 2 times of him leaving her only powered her desire and dedication for when he came "begging" when he found out we were together.


But I guess I should be happy. I leave with knowledge that it wasn't me that was the problem-- in fact I believe I'm the beter man and he will never lover her like I would-- that she just went back because she was still hooked on him. And love is the ultimate deal-breaker. This is why she's been able to give me so much evidence that she still has some sort of feeling for me. I should be happy, it could of ended much worse I guess.


But I'll send it don't worry.

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Yep. She's gone. She was expecting it for days. So I sent it. She read it. Seems like she stared at it for a little bit, but I told her not to respond. I've dragged this on for 13 months. I didn't put that word "stupid" in there either.


When I saw her when she left me (before this) she was very defensive--nothing like other girls who didn't have feelings for me. I really think she still had some feeling for me, but not enough to keep her here. And now she's moving to be with a commitmentphobic guy that wouldn't move to be with her, didn't visit her on valentines day, didn't visit her on their anniversary, had her get a cell phone to call him, over a year only came to see her about 5 times, and who she argues with all the time. He will never love her like I do, like she deserves.


But as my female friend said, "Give it a couple of YEARS, maybe he'll blow it for the last time and she'll think of you." So I guess I'll have that hope in the back of my mind for a long time, because circumstance was the only think that kept us appart. If I was more experienced, if I came first, we would be married by now. Funny how life can be so unfair sometimes.


But time to move on. At least I can prove to myself that she made the biggest mistake of her life. Time to become the man of her dreams and attract another girl just like her .


Thanks eveyrone for your support.

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