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Well. Some tried kissing my girlfriend, she rejected him. She showed my the texts of him being upset that he didn't get a kiss. She wants to have him as a friend because he's such a funny guy, but she wants nothing else. I'm just upset over this guy, because he's still trying to get with my girlfriend, mianly because she didn't tell him about me otherwise he might not want to be friends with her. I feel like * * * * .

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Hmmmm my advice is to stay away from this girl. "she didn't tell him about me otherwise he might not want to be friends with her" It seems to me like she's leading this guy on and likes the attention. Don't put up with it, not only is it childish and underhanded its disrespectful to you and to your relationship. If you want your relationship to work get her to stop talking to the guy or at the very least get her to tell him that she is in a relationship. But my advice remains the same break up with her and save yourself heartache.

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I'd save your anger for your girlfriend, not the guy.


She is wrong for a) not telling him about you, her boyfriend (so how would he KNOW that she had a bf?!) and b) wanting to still keep him as a friend after that happened. Totally inappropriate. If someone tries to do something physical to you like that and you don't want it, you really shouldn't be their friend.

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Thing is she rejected him. Told me she wants nothing like that with him. She and i been dating for like month now and we are in the love strage talking about our future, but this has really hurt me. I don't like the thought of a guy trying to kiss her and still thinking he has a chance.

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Red flags here, but it looks like you're going to proceed. I can't really say the guy crossed the line since he did not know about you. This is your gf's fault. I can't imagine she would be ok with things if you were hanging with a female friend who thought you were single and available. Just keep your eyes open and bail if this escalates.

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If this is your first relationship, make it your first break up - save some self respect here. She loves attention more than she loves you. This guy is not her friend, he's just a dude trying to get in her. If she cared even remotely for you, she would have immediately shot this guy down telling him about you, how great you are, how happy she is with you, and how much she loves you.


THIS IS NOT JEALOUSY - she's doing something wrong and you're right to be concerned.

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Normally, I would tell you to calm down and that as long as you trust your girlfriend, it doesn't matter who else shows interest in her. However ...


There are red flags here. I understand not telling him about you upfront, because that could be awkward unless she picked up on his advances. But after her made his move, she should have told him in no uncertain terms that she is dating you, and that she is not interested in him in that way.


Time to have a serious talk with your girlfriend.

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Just weird she texts me always saying she loves me. How she talks to me about one day having a faimly and being my wife. How i mean the world to her, then she does stuff like this.....


Pay attention to her actions, not her words - very important in a relationship. It's easy to talk.

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