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I guess its wrong to assume


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So I had been dating this girl for about a month, went out maybe 6 or 7 times, even slept together. But I thought it was weird how at times I'd send her a text and it would take a day or two for a response. So she tells me the other day that she was also dating some other guy. Now we never had a talk about being exclusive, and I wasn't mad, but I told her I wasn't interested in seeing her anymore (especially since she slept with me, I don't know if she is sleeping with some other dude too).


I told her after this stage in the game I only like dating one person, but I guess its my own fault as well for not making that clear to her. (which I actually was going to on our last date - which she cancelled on, lol)


I just don't like the idea of playing second string or being her backup plan.


I guess I'm kind of curious how others would have handled the situation.

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i'm with you bro. whenever i start dating someone i automatically just date them and no one else cause i personally consider it being disrespectful to be dating other people as well. If you want, ask her if you guys could date exclusively and if she refuses then just walk away before you become emotionally attached, simple as that.

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I think in some cultures everyone assumes you are just dating one person at a time and in others it's the opposite. I think its a bad idea to assume, in any culture but people do it anyway. You should have talked to her about it instead of assuming. You may have lost a good girl and I don't see how she did anything wrong when you kept silent, assumed things, then sprung this on her suddenly and dumped her.

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I don't think that it's her fault here. Like you, I don't date multiple people however you can never ever assume. Always ask, even if it's obvious. Until you and a girl agree it's exclusive, it may not be to her. For own sake next time, ask her when you want to be exclusive, and I wouldn't have sex until you are.

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How did you meet her? I recently started online dating and I am talking with numerous guys and went on dates with two different guys so far. In the dating world or at least today, I think it is safe to say that people are dating multiple people. Correct me if I am wrong since I have been out of the dating game for over 6.5 years.


I don't think either of you were wrong. It was just bad timing or not the right person. If I were in your situation, I tell her your intentions like others have stated. If she likes you, she'll dump the other guy. If not, then onto the next gal.

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