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kindle versus sony reader versus kobo


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After a bit back and forth I've made a u-turn from the conclusion from my previous thread, and I've now decided I definitely want an e-reader and not an iPad (decided to save for the smallest macbook air rather than iPad).


Now I'm confused about which one to get. I'm been reading reviews online but I'm still not sure. The Kindle touch isn't available in Europe yet and I don't really want the two that are available on amazon UK. I've been looking at the latest Sony one and kind of like it, but it's not clear to me whether I can put amazon books on it - some say I can and others say I can't. And then someone said Kobo is the best. So in short, I need to research this more but I was wondering if anyone on here had thoughts or recommendations? I want to use it for work, so I'd like access to books that aren't just best sellers, and I'd like best possible functionality for reading and commenting on pdfs.

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Wait until iPad 3 comes out then iPad 1 and 2 will be much much cheaper. I am still using the iPad 1 which I bought when it was released and I love it. Granted it doesn't have a camera like the iPad 2 but I actually prefer the look, and feel of the first iPad also I prefer the size. It would be nice if it had a camera, but it isn't essential.

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So, I ended up buying an iPad2 today I was looking at some second hand ones online, and then my husband objected and said I should get a new one (he doesn't trust buying electronics second hand). I did argue with him about how much money we could save, but in the end I 'allowed' him to convince me The pdfs are coming up really really nicely and I'm totally happy with the annotation programme. I got the smallest size but with 3G. I'm happy and broke!


Thanks for all your input petite. The info I got from you and others in my earlier thread really helped me make a choice in the end.

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You're welcome gignerlemon. I am glad you finally got an iPad and I'm sure you will enjoy it. If you want some eBooks for your iBooks app, I have over 1000 on my iPad and I'm willing to share - most are best sellers so PM me if and when you might be interested in some titles and I'll see if I've got it.


Enjoy your new toy.

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