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My boyfriend had a one night stand. HELP!


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I sacrificed going to art school to a school without a good art program. I hated it there. Still, I tried and tried at our relationship. Soon, it ended and all of that was for nothing. A good learning experience however.


I did something very similar; the last 2 years of college I lived in 2 dorms that I didn't like at all so that I could be close to my boyfriend. Before that, I lived in a townhouse on campus which I LOVED; it wasn't like a dorm building at all, it was like an apartment building. It was made for me. But all so I could be close to my bf, I lived in a dorm building that I hated. If I could do over, I would've broken up with him after a year & lived in the townhouse. (Alas, a good learning experience, right?)

Don't sacrifice who you are for anyone, ever. It's not worth it in the end.

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