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Friend is giving me the silent treatment


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My friend and I got into an argument at work over something stupid I said sorry and she said ya you are forgiven. I left work and said bye and she didn't say anything and I was thinking maybe she didn't hear me so I saw her on FB later on and messaged her and said hey said bye to you at work but you didn't say anything I thought we were cool and she didn't say anything again so I thought maybe she is away from her computer or something so I phoned her and it rang and rang and eventually it went to VM. I said I was sorry and she said I was forgiven yet she is giving me the silent treatment. What should I do?? I do not want to keep bugging her but at the same time I am kinda annoyed she said she forgave me but yet she is ignoring me. Should I wait for her to talk or should I just let her cool off or should I ask again I thought everything was cool but yet you are ignoring me I am confused.....

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We got into a fight over me not sitting next to her in the breakroom. I had just gotten chewed out by my boss and wasn't in the mood for company so I said I am going to sit alone day because I am not in the greatest mood and wouldn't want to take anything out on you. She was annoyed an said don't you want to talk about it and I said no thanks I want to be left alone please and then she said whatever sit by yourself then I do not care. I saw her after lunch and said sorry if I sounded rude or mean and she said you are forgiven and then after that she gave me the silent treatment. I didn't mean it as a diss or that I didn't like her I just got chewed out by my boss and wanted to chill out and eat by myself but I guess she took it as I don't need your help leave me alone.

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