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Question about college and grades?! Pleeease help! I'm desperate!


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So, I'm an average student. I mainly get A's and B's. I usually get all A's and one B in math because that's what i struggle with. Last year, in our last quarter, I was out of school for 4 weeks because I have a sickness and needed to be in special care. It was hard to have all of my work done dealing with my sickness so I ended up will all C's in my classes at our last quarter. This year, it's the end of our first quarter and I have all B's, one A, and one C, in math (a high C) but I also have an F in our school's typing class. I don't understand how. In the class it's computer technology and we mainly take notes and do things out of a book onto the computer. It's not a class I can take home and do work, it's just whatever work we can do at school so I can't bring it up by extra credit or anything or anything I do at home. I've done everything except a few assignments that I've been trying to finish. I've gone to this class to get my grades up in homeroom and studyhall everyday, but they are not going up. It also says I was absent for a day but I haven't missed a day of school yet. This teacher is known for failing kids she doesn't like and she failed my sister last year and a few of my friends. My mom had to call the school about it because what I'm going through now is what my sister went through and my sister went from an F to a B in a day from just my mom complaining. I thought I was doing well in that class until I saw my grade today. I feel like such a failure. I've been doing everything I can to get the grade up but nothing's working and since it's the end of our first quarter, there's not much I can do anymore to get it up. I have the typing class next quarter too and I am going to try really hard and be very focused so I can at least pass. My mom says that I need to go to my principal tomorrow about it, but I have no time to because all of my free time I am spending will be in my typing class finishing as much work as possible to get my grade up. But about math class, I've asked for tutoring from the school and they are going to tutor me 3 times a week for math after school so I think I'll be at least up to a B for our next quarter. I just feel so depressed. I've even felt like I won't go to college because of my grades. It's my first year of highschool. I am verrry determined to get better grades our next grading period. I've even went as far as deleting my facebook which was a big distraction and I'm just doing anything. My mom says I'm a failure and I just don't know what to do. I feel worthless. Sorry if this was confusing, I just really need someone's insight. Anything will be helpful.

What's your opinion? What do you think?

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It also says I was absent for a day but I haven't missed a day of school yet. This teacher is known for failing kids she doesn't like and she failed my sister last year and a few of my friends. My mom had to call the school about it because what I'm going through now is what my sister went through and my sister went from an F to a B in a day from just my mom complaining.

What's your opinion? What do you think?


You answered your own question right here. This worked for your sister, so it should work for you as well. Your mom needs to intervene about the grading policy of this typing teacher and also take up the issue of 1 day absence that is not correct. Please come back and post after your mom has the talk......chi

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Carlay, just keep this in mind. The last thing the principal wants is for this issue to come to the attention of the school board. My daughter now has a master's degree in English, but during her growing up years I have interceded on her behalf a few times as her mother, and believe me, I got results. Your mother talking to the principal will bring about a world of good.....

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Exactlyy. And wow, thats so great. My mother is the type that will intervene, so hopefullly it will work! It has before. Her and the principal are like bestfriends lol. So i think it will


It is not that they are best friends, Carlay. The principal just wants to put a stop to this before it becomes a big issue spun out of control. All your mother has to do is mention the Board of Education, and believe me, your grade in typing will suddenly shoot up. You are beginning to learn about politics, Carlie. You know that this entire situation is unjust.....

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Whatever you do, do not give up. You are in your first year of high school and you have a long future ahead of you. It is never too late to pull your grades up. Have you considered speaking to your comp technology teacher? Talk to her about your concerns and how you could improve your grades.


I remember not getting very decent marks in high school and it was during the last two years of high school that I really pulled my grades up. I ended up doing one of the best courses at a top university. I spent all of my time studying. Apart from sleeping, eating and other life necessities, it was studying. It was such a tough period of time but life is tough - you have to work for what you want. I did not have a social life (sad but true) because I realised that there were more important things to accomplish... and it really paid off! I can see how determined you are - do not give up! As I always say (especially during examination periods) - bums down pens up! Work hard now and you will see the results.

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