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too shy.....


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ok, heres the thing, I'm really shy. And I don't mean like, a little shy....I mean I'm just so shy in school! But, now that I have a boyfriend, I think my "shyness" is getting to him....and I'm even MORE shy when I'm around HIM! I'm just always afraid to say the wrong thing....I just never know what to talk about with him......can anyone give me some ideas?




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am i guy and i know girls r not stupid but even when a girl sounds so and i like her i find her more cute than stupid !

it makes me laugh !

what i advice u is just be urself and he will like u more and more, beside who never tries dies virgin !

i mean just talk about anything u will learn more about him !

just give it a time and u will be ok ! till that happen dont think too much about what his goin to say if u say this or that, coz if he doesnt like u for who u r he will not be ur bf !

so just BE YOUSELF


good luck !

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this is a really hard thing to get over. but it doesn't mean that you can't! being shy does have it's advantages sometimes, but most of the time, it's just plain annoying! (trust me, I've been there). my boyfriend sometimes gets annoyed with me when I have nothing to say. he tells me just to talk about anything, and that it doesn't matter if it's about something stupid, like about my hair or anything! so if he really cares about, he won't care what you talk about, as long as you talk! it's not too hard! hope I helped a bit!



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I wouldn't worry about what you say around your boyfriend. I know it can be hard to get over shyness, but it's not impossible. Just be yourself and try to talk to him more and more. I am sure in time you'll get over your shyness. All you need is hope! Good luck!

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At least you have a boyfriend - the longer you're with him the more you'll gradually relax and analyse things less. I've never had a girlfriend and I analyse stuff all the time about why girls continually reject me. If there's a mature girl out there who isn't superficial or shallow I've yet to find any of them, until I do as far as I'm concerned I'm better off single, despite how much it gets me down

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Wow thats kinda the way i am with this girl im dating i can have some good conv with my good friends but when im around her i just cant seem to have any thing to talk about. Shes my first kiss and every thing i like her alot it's just i cant seem to find much to talk about but hoply ill get better i have seen some improvement but not much. This is a good topic.

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Wow thats kinda the way i am with this girl im dating i can have some good conv with my good friends but when im around her i just cant seem to have any thing to talk about. Shes my first kiss and every thing i like her alot it's just i cant seem to find much to talk about but hoply ill get better i have seen some improvement but not much. This is a good topic.


wow, I thought I was the only one! lol well, good luck to the both of us!

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