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Who should I go for?


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Okay, so here's my dilemma. There are right now three ladies in my life who i have th potential to date, but I'm not sure which one I would want to date. I believe love is a choice, so those of you saying "Oh you should pick the one you KNOW you love" blah blah, I don't go for that. Anyways, I go to a military college and am a US Marine, so I'm under very strict rules and am a far distance away from 2 of the ladies. One of them is here at the college with me. So the three ladies are like so,

1) She goes to the military college with me, and we have a few classes with me, and we both are very attracted to each other.

2) An ex-girlfriend who I was head over heels for, and it ended sort of roughly, but now we are very good friends and she wants to get close again.

3) A very close friend who I've been hanging out with regularly for over a year and we get along perfectly together. I like her a whole lot.

Those are the three options. I am not going into a relationship for sex, obviously that's a part of it, but I'm looking for a serious relationship. Which one do you guys think best suits me and my predicament?

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Here's a little more detail to the story to make everything more complex...

I've been mailing both 2 and 3 (for privacy of names) for a while now. I haven't distinctively flirted with either of them while mailing, but they both write to me about how they are excited to hang out with me when I get back. I come back this weekend for a few days. Also, there is a Military Ball coming up in a few weekends, and 1 is mad that I haven't asked her yet, whereas 2 and 3 don't know about it. Honestly, I love all their personalities, which is the only reason why it is so difficult to make a decision.

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1) I'd go for it.

2) ex is ex for a certain reason, which you obviously forget (well, it happens sometimes), so this "honeymoon" phase may break any other time again. And don't be surprised then.

3) She's your best friend. I would keep this friend and not spoil it's status with something serious. If it gets serious, it would get naturally.

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I have just finally learned one of the biggest lessons. When you marry a girl, you marry her family as well. Who out of the 3 has the most stable family without any 'issues'. Do they come from a broken home? Any of their parents divorced? Any siblings gone to prison? Any mental health problems in the family? You might be laughing at the thought of this but my last two girlfriends were knockouts. The one prior to my last is an exact replica of Alyssa Milano. And my last looks like Nicole Eggert when she was really hot. BUT, they both had familial issues. 'Alyssa's' father left them when she was 9, and 'Nicole's' father used to beat the mother, lock the kids in their room, and cheated on the mother when she was pregnant with my ex. Yup. After dating each one for 3 years, all of the 'bad stuff' started to show. I thought I was going to marry each of them at the time, but thank goodness I didn't. I always suspected something was up but I could never put my finger on it. Trust me, you don't want to be me right now. This last breakup of mine is by far the craziest and the hardest to deal with.


Go after the one who has the best family structure and values. Trust me. You won't regret it. I don't care how good looking she is. You can't judge a book by its cover.

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