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Do you ever feel like your life is just a dream?


I've never been academic, hardly ever went to school, did really badly at school, was in the lowest sets for everything. Dropped out of my first year of college.. Nearly dropped out of my second and third years of college. Got told I was dumb all through school.. Didn't apply myself, never got anything done on time.. 4th year of college I got told I wasn't ready for university, did quite badly on most of my work.. Now I am in my final year of university, I've been doing quite well considering everything (health and self-esteem)..


I'm now in my final year of university, graduate in a few months.. And I woke up today thinking this whole aspect of my life was just a dream.. But it is the main aspect of my life. It's scary.. I mean, most people seem to have a good idea of where their going and start working to achieve it in school or the first couple years of college.. I went from re-sitting GCSE's to health and social care (first year of college) dropped out of that, went to hair dressing, then went to an access to higher education and now uni.. I mean - how do any of those really relate?

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So tired today, and so much work to do.. curled up in bed listening to music pretending to do work.. gonna write up my conclusion tonight then i can hand that essay in tomorrow.. ant all day tomorrow do my group project cause thats doing my head in atm.. tempted not to go to my lecture tomorrow and do work in the library.. i always get more work done at uni than home..

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I feel anxious, tired, nervous and blah today... Gotta be at uni in a couple hours.. - ughh didn't do my conclusion last night, went to sleep instead needed it though.. woke up at 11, then at 1, felt quite good, then woke up at about 7:30 this morning, much needed sleep! just hope my mood doesn't make today terrible..

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Dunno how I'm feeling today... Strange, not here... Lost.. Confused.. But not down.. haha. I confuse me..

I'm also hungry for the first time in a while, really want scrambled eggs and beans on toast, but I don't have any bread haha.. Mehhh! may just skip breaky again today lol..

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so.. one of my best friends has been being abused by her (now ex) bf... he's been abusive before, but this has been especially bad.. kinda triggering for me too.. I wish I was there for her, but I cannot drop everything and go see her, I've got too many responsibilities up here I really hope she'll be okay..

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I have too much work to do and not enough time... Well not enough time to do it well enough to get a good grade.. I have 4 exams to revise for. I have to prepare 6 essays (2 each per exam) revise 10 questions for one other exam, do a 10,000 word write up for an experiment I've not even started - which is due may 15th, most of my participants are final years and thus do not have the time to take out to take part in my experiment side of things.. all this is giving me nightmares every night so I am constantly exhausted.. I still have an essay to write (should be finished today) and two presentations to give, one of which is tomorrow. It's getting so stressful..

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Uni days, certainly don't miss those. Just try and remember in the end when you secure a job it will be worth it, even if it's exhausting right now. Just try and breathe, have some tea and take five minutes just to enjoy your cuppa, and don't go out of your way to do things for friends when you have a lot going on also. Hope you get some sleep though, because there is nothing worse than having crappy quality of sleep and feeling like a zombie the next day. It will get better.

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yeah, a good night sleep gives you all you need.

I'm still feeling pretty good today.. I do have a lecture, but I've got outstanding work which right now is more important so just gonna concentrate on that... Booked into the lab for a couple hours this afternoon so I can do project stuff then.. and in all day tomorrow.. Looking forward to a break next weekend (Next Sat is my birthday D: getting old haha).. so want to get as much of everything done over the next few days.. woo.. doesn't feel real that I finish university soon.. it's surreal..

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