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Uni goings on else there will be a LOT of threads...


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Cause they are interesting, and can cause mental health issues as well as be a symptom. and I know a lot of people with life threatening insomnia so I really want to try and help them..


Haha Michael Jordan as in basket ball yeah? I used to love basketball not very good at sports though lol.. oops..

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So, I replied to a thread about suicide.. I tend to stay away from those threads these days.. But the want to have someone else to do the deed for you just makes me feel sick, sad and frustrated.

To me suicide is not selfish, but it should be private, just like death from natural causes, just like child birth.. And it should not destroy a strangers life. Any way to die is going to destroy friends and family, but why do some people want others to take their life?

I felt so harsh saying this person was pretty much a terrible person for wanting that.


Suicide is such a personal thing, and I get how the person feels, life seems to be going nowhere.. But you have to FIGHT each and every step of the way, no matter what. You cannot give up, until the last hope has gone. I've done that, and my life is infinately better.. I dunno, maybe I just have more determination, or maybe I hit rock bottom, and had to claw my way back up.. But still. Everyone says from where I was less than 5 years ago, to be who and what I am today is a huge achievement which many people wouldn't have achieved, maybe I am just lucky.. Who knows, but it was me who fought no one else.

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OK this is getting so much harder... I am having nightmares constantly, about research project being due in a week ago and ive not started... I have until may 1st for it.. I've not started data collection, hell its not even been approved yet So behind, scared and just want to give up right now... Gotta get back on my game.. dont have uni till 4, so may go in early and do some work..

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Awesome, I didn't have nightmares last night.. went to sleep around 10ish, woke up at maybe 5ish could've been 4 not sure.. and didnt feel like cr*p Got a good half dozen participants, woo, feeling much better now.. Got a study to take part in at 9:30 for someone, whos also taking part in mine lol.. Then I've got a meeting with my supervisor, gonna stay at uni after for a few hours to do some work hopefully upload some stuff onto the internet so I don't have to analyse the data myself making it much easier! slowly slowly getting there.. 2 months until hand in ughh!

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So much work to do.. Plan for this week is: today update research project so it is available online, start SAQ if I can access the info, print out info for project, do some more towards group project. Tomorrow hairdressers, hospital, do SAQ if I cant get it done today, do mental health essay. Tuesday, group project meeting, research project trial, lecture, group project work. Weds, lecture and finish mental health essay. Thurs, workshop, finish group project and lit review as far as possible. Friday review whats been done and finish up anything outstanding for the week. maybe go cinema lol

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Think I may have actually found something to do with the positives of recieving a diagnosis for my mental health essay - in the book lol! Looks like I'll be reading that on my bus into town.. Gotta remember to get more cotton buds (should never put cotton buds in your ears people!) colour remover for my hair, water retention tablets and some echinasea (and sorry no I cant spell haha!).. Thats being done this morning, got hospital this afternoon.. Going to finish my group project stuff today not the essay - cause thats being gone over tomorrow morning.. Plan of action complete

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I really need sleep So exhausted... Stupid 3 hours sleep.. Stupid doctor.. Stupid me not knowing how to analyse stuff.. Stupid me not listening.


I randomly won chocolate in a lecture I was paying no attention too oops xD.. and I spelt won one really how dumb can I get.... sleep please please please stop tormenting me gotta be at uni at 11 tomorrow.. plenty of time to rest.. think I am at 21 participants now

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So..After a couple of weeks without rain, we have constant rain today and tomorrow and likely all weekend.. I'm staying in and doing uni work then until I have to be at uni.. Not going to the workshop as apparently it doesn't expand on anything we covered in the lecture so that gives me an extra 3 hours I wouldn't have had..

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