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Uni goings on else there will be a LOT of threads...


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So.. the British government are planning to tax 'spare bedrooms' (council house tenants receiving benefits) - this is all good and well and probably for the best.. However, I'm wondering how this will affect my mum.. I live at uni, and I am put down as living in both her house and my uni house. Really hope she wont have to pay tax for my room because I don't live there full time..

Do not want a political debate just expressing my worries about the whole situation...

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I love uni, don't get me wrong.. But sometimes I really wish I had never attempted this. So much stress! So much to do, so little damn time! and I'm not even sleeping properly, even if I get a 'good' amount of sleep, the quality is awful! I am exhausted, I went to bed around 8:30 last night, got up at 10 to attempt to do some work, was sick went to bed, had nightmares, woke up constantly, and finally got up at 5. This is not how things should be. I need a good night sleep! I need to calm down and I need appriciate what I have achieved but I can't do that when I'm like this and thinking oh theres only 4 more months makes me even more stressed

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Thank you Star

Finally had a good night sleep, 10:30 or there abouts until 7:40, that is damn good going, was not complaining about getting up, so I'm up done a little work and ready to go to uni, and it is only 9:15 awesome..


I really need to get back in shape.. I look like a huge fat blob oh well, an hour walk today, had an hour walk yesterday (should've been two but stayed in uni to do some work which only took 30mins may even walk up tomorrow just for the exersize, I want to ride my bike up, but I cant hear quite well enough and I've no batteries for my hearing aids until Monday (hopefully I can get some on monday) also need to get my right aid fixed gah! lol...


Uni is going quite well again at the moment, got Feburary for my research project, March I have deadlines for essays, nothing too bad if I start now so that's going well.. all is slowly slotting into place.. Just have to keep up my momentum...

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Ahh, why do people have to organize group meetings when 2/3rds of the group are supposed to be in a lecture for half of our meeting? grr.. oh well I'm not missing the lecture. So busy today and tomorrow. Got to make sure I've got my stuff for group project organised and in up to date for meeting tomorrow, got to my SAQ for tomorrow afternoon, gotta finalize what I am using for project and put it online within the next 2 days. Got hospital this afternoon. Got a seminar this afternoon, and two lectures tomorrow. Cant hear properly, cant get hearing aids fixed until hopefully this afternoon. Looking forward to weds, can chill out for 5 mins.. Also got an essay to do which is due in next month and I want finishing asap...

Debating cycling to uni as it will be quicker, but with my hearing, probably isn't the greatest of ideas...

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OK the work load is officially getting to me, 3 am wake up to nightmares to do with uni.. Hello insomnia with nightmares again.. Oh well.. Might as well get some work done.

Ughh, feel so anxious 16 weeks left of uni now, how terrifying is that??? wish I could win the lottery and come back and do more haha.. stressful, but this is the happiest I have ever been...

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well I think I have everything ready for today. So stressed out and panicy hate feeling like this.. Gotta keep positive, only 16 weeks left.. Gosh I never thought I would get to this stage. Hell I never thought I'd make it to 18 years old let alone (nearly) 23 and finishing university. It is crazy how life changes.

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OK, after feeling terrible all day yesterday, and falling asleep by 5pm (not waking until 11:50) and then going back to sleep around 2am and waking at nearly 8 (much sleep anyone?) I'm feeling happier today. Sorted out my RAGS waiting for approval. Currently downloading some work to do on my train journey as I'm going away for the weekend.

I've had so much time this weekend to do work and I've done nothing.. Monday I didn't go to my lecture because I needed my hearing aid equipment, got home at the time the lecture started so I'd have been about half an hour late so I didn't go, luckily I still got notes for it. Tuesday I went to one lecture, my afternoon lecture got cancelled but I uploaded the work for that.. I need to write a constructive comment on someones SAQ to get the full 3 marks for it. And finally, yesterdays lecture got cancelled.. I think because my schedule got changed a lot it through me for a loop. I've got it back in control today, feeling so tired haha.. Energy drink here I am.. Righto everyone.. Happy Thursday xxx

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Really am not ready for uni to be ending.. Feels like my life is coming to an end.. Not in the morbid sense, but in the sense I have no clue what is going to happen over the coming years, let alone months! wait wrong way round? meh... Such an odd feeling, to only 4 years ago, still doing hairdressing at college... Now I'm preparing to finish university.. I mean, sure life can change, but really 4 years and I completely changed what I was doing.. thats still a huge amount to take in...

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I really should stop these last min home plans xD.. ah well, my mum can do my washing for me xD and I get help with my work and see my cats

I really want to ride my motorbike! wonder if my mum would let me bring it back to brizz on sunday when my friend picks me up.. hmm, doubt it cause its going to be 'too cold' bah.. I miss riding, so relaxing! if it was my ped she'd have no problem, kinda miss my ped, I wasn't scared to ride it hahaha.. I suck..

Went to bed at about 10pm last night, asleep by about 11, woke up at 5.. so a good 6/7 hours sleep happy with that i need some clean socks grr, dont know whats happened to them all! I normally have a similar number of socks and pants, but i have no clean socks and plenty of pants, weird.. (under pants for you americans )really want to wear a skirt/shorts, I can and wear my new rocks love my new rocks, gives me a work out too haha.. such a chunk these days...

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Really REALLY annoyed.. I've had to give up my bedroom so my cousin can use it. I'm on the sofa, ill, and having a mini panic attack cause of the fire and my mum doesnt give a damn. SHE offered my room to her sister for my cousin. I DIDNT. I came home today cause she wants to help me do my work. I am so angry at the moment.. I hate this, gonna be a crap nights sleep, if I even sleep and I have loads of work to do.. Oh and get this, I dont get my room to myself tomorrow night either.. ARGH.

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Oh, college is killing me right now! Got an A in my first class, and two more started up this week. Despite it being the first week, I had several hours of work...because of course I did!


Like you said earlier in the week, it's the best decision I've ever made, but I do admit I hate it right now! But the countdown on my tablet indicates...78 DAYS until the graduation ceremony.


Glad to see you're hanging in there!



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Awesome getting there

Yeah nearly done... Got loads of work to do, and have done nothing all weekend making me feel depressed today.. Need to catch up, but I am so exhausted and waiting for a call from my friend cause hes supposed to be giving me a lift back to uni today..

How many days are you in classes?

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All of mine are online, but the bad thing is I keep putting it off. Most of our assignments are due by 11:59 PM Sunday nights, and I always have a lot to do on Sunday even if I started early.


You'll be fine. It sounds like you have a better work ethic than me and are more positive!

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Ahh, oh dont worry, me and most of my friends put off our work until last min.. This weekend was me trying to get work out of the way 2 weeks before its due hahaha.. oh well..

I just really want to do well, I struggle to keep motivated but I get there in the end

What do you wanna do with your degree?

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