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Need Ideas for a New Blog

Double J

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I graduated from college nearly 4 years ago. From my elementary school days through my final semester in college, I maintained a love of learning and had outstanding grades to show for it. The past few years in the private sector have been OK, but I just feel like something is missing -- and that something is probably education.


This summer I was one of many candidates vying for an administrative position at a local college; alas, I didn't get the job. Instead, I was hired at a huge company in the travel/hospitality industry. I have little to complain of considering they offered me a hefty pay and benefits package.


Yes, I've considered going back to school to get a master's degree, but I'll have to wait until my new employer lifts the tuition reimbursement freeze that's currently in effect.


Over the past few months, I've thought about ways to indulge my academic tendencies and arrived at the following: Why not set up a blog where I can post thoughts on academic studies, books I've read, and the like? I graduated with a bachelor's degree in marketing and a minor in psychology. If I had to single out an all-encompassing category for all the subjects I relish most, it would be the social sciences.


So, I'd like to create a blog where I post topics on marketing/consumer behavior, economics, sociology, geography, and history. I could even submit such content to article marketing sites like link removed. As you can probably guess, I am doing this partly because I love to write as well. But I wouldn't know where to start.




- What's the best (free) site through which to start a blog? I've used WordPress at prior jobs.


- Is there a way to monetize your blog?


- What should my blog page include? (For example, I'd like to be able to communicate with my audience via a comment section.)


- What names do you suggest? I was thinking Social Sci Guy, Social Science World, etc.


Any other tips are most welcome. Thanks!

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Wordpress, Tumblr, Xanga, Weebly come to mind.


Google AdSense will help direct traffic to your site and pay you per clicks on the ads. The ads will be geared towards your content.


It's hard to say what you should include. Any blog will fail without good, written content and posting links to your blog all over the web


Again, the name is entirely up to you. You need something unique that isn't being overused.

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