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Possible Head Injury


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Me and my roommates got into a fight the other, and dodging his punches to the face caused them to land behind my ear, sort of to the back of my neck. there was also probably a punch right above the temple. My roommates arms are huge, but the pain doesn't seem had at all(im bruised, he's cut, lol).


However my neck does feel a little strange. Its like sore, but not stiff in the sense that I can't move it. It could just be the bruise swelling in that area, but I don't I don't know. I'm not sensitive to light, my pupils aren't different sizes and I'm not suffering from nausea or vomiting.


Not sure what to do here. Really don't want to make that trip to the doctor if it turns out to be nothing but the swelling.



The bruise is behind the ear, right as the skull ends. The neck doesn't hurt like a muscle, but like the spine itself

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Pain subsiding is always a good thing. Doesn't mean that there isn't an injury. So your spine at the base of your head feels sore? It's most likely just whiplash. Not everything that happens to you needs a visit to the doctor. I got sucker punched 4 times at a bar and had nothing but a little bruise to show for it. Says a lot about the guys who hit me eh? lol.


Anyways, if you have time hop in to a clinic, but I really wouldn't worry about it. Was it just a graze or did he connect pretty hard? Any troubles balancing or hearing? Any ringing? If you were hit in the temporal area those things are likely to go first, temple is more memory and personality.

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