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random autobiography


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we had to write a random autobiography in any format for honors english at school. i chose to do mine in the form of a poem that rhymes, fun i know. its kinda very mellow though cuz i didnt wanna get referred to the councilor. some of it is total BS... but yeah tell me what u think before i turn it in.


I came along in early spring

I was born with small and fragile wings

I had hair as black as night

And the doctors laughed, for I put up much of a fight


They called me little witch

Because I made all the doctors twitch

For as much as I was crying

You'd think that I was dying


As I grew older

And November Nights grew colder

I started to find my own way

And was loved more each day


Even after falling and bruising my knees up

I was clumsy so I always had a plastic cup

I was slowly taught how to fly

My parents made me think I could touch the sky


When six years had passed

I remember my birthday party like it was my last

We were moving so the house was bare

All of my friends and neighbors were there


We had to move from Germany to the US

My mom was full of unwanted stress

I was so excited

Though I was never really invited


I liked living here at first

But then it plunged for the worst

I was made fun of in school

And I was not very cool


I had an accent until about grade four

Then I would run out of the school door

I had some friends at this time

And life seemed just fine


I have always really liked to write

Some people say that that's not quite right

I also like to read

And in my heart is little greed


I like to help people out

I hate it when people pout

I do not like to see you frown

And I am deathly afraid of clowns


Even though I am now fifteen

My mom says sometimes I act like "the queen"

I am still afraid of the dark

And I'm slowly learning how to park


Arachnids make me squirm

This fear has been long-term

I also really don't like roaches

I have had many bad softball coaches


And As I sit here chewing gum

Looking at the short nail on my thumb

I think how should probably stop biting my nails

Or at least paint them if all else fails


I'm talking to Gina

And I'm thinking about my friend Cristina

Who lives in Florida, so far away

I wish I could hug my friends and tell them everything will be okay


I try to always be here for them when they need me

I tell them life isn't always as portrayed on TV

I love to get hugs

And I don't do drugs


I play softball for fun

I train even before the season has begun

I didn't make the team last year

And my life was full of tears


Sometimes the world seems black

Just waiting for the bad guys to attack

Some days I just curl up and cry

And I feel like I want to die


But then I take out a pen and write

About my mom and I's fight

It makes me feel just enough to feel better

And my stress gets out with each letter


I hope to grow up

And adopt my own pup

I wanna go to college

And stuff my brain full of knowledge


I want to help others out for the rest of my life

To take away other's blades and knives

Just to tell them everything will be fine

And there is no reason to quit life and resign


Though sometimes the knife feels like it is digging deeper

Plunging into my skin as I get weaker

I know everything will be all right

As long as I put up a good fight


Goodnight I say to you one last time

You don't have to cry or whine

As I close up this story of my life

I hope we can come to a universal strife

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