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Business name ideas?

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Hi everyone,


I'm currently in the process of setting up a small jewellery making business. I will be making all my own jewellery and selling it in an online store. I am struggling to think of a name. I would really like to have the word "Phoenix" in there somewhere, as I feel a lot of us are like the Phoenix - we get knocked down but we rise from our own ashes, better and stronger than we were before.


If anyone has any ideas, it would be much appreciated - Phoenix incorprated into the name, or not.



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Just make sure whatever name you choose isn't already owned and in use by someone else OR that it is confusingly similar in sound or spelling to a competitor.


And unless your jewelry somehow looks like the Phoenix, I'm not getting the connection between the business name and the actual business. You want them to have some of similarity...

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