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The guy i like, and my guy friend, what do i do????


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Where has that confident GUM GIRL gone.


To him since you kind of directly asked him to advance your relationship, he feels weak.


Everyone in this situation does NOT KNOW, you don't know, he does not know etc........


If you don't know ASK simple.


I was SHY too, I still remember the first girl I had a HUGE crush on and did nothing about it for 3 years. WHAT during those three years happened NOTHING. Nothing happens if you don't ask.


I finally got the nerve to ask her out, with NO motivation from ANYONE. I was nervous hands shaking, dry mouth etc.... but I did it.


3 Things Help


1. Rehearse what you are going to say many time over, like a presentation and imagine different outcomes and create reactions to them, from the very worst to the best.


2. KNOW that the interaction, will ONLY last within a 1 to 2 min time span. Hi..........Question.........Answer.......Reaction


3. There is no such thing as a bad experience, every experience or event is a lesson for you to learn, even sometime you don't see it.


Just Do It, sounds like the guy is TOTALLY into you, just affirm it with him verbally not in NOTE format.


Read Men are from Mars Women are from Venus - Helps to explain Allot (I can send you the e-version)



Do not take what he is doing or evens say as a reflection of yourself. Do not measure yourself by the success or failure you have with one person.

You are mostly likely a very caring, loving and sweet person, who deserves a huge hug and deep kiss from a cute guy everyday, so cheer up.


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OMG personally i am tired of giving him gum. I cant say no to him though, i am too weak.


You choose to be weak, choose not to be. The more I read and see the more I find the statement "You can be anything you want to be" so so so true. You just need to choose it and stick to it.


You can set it up so next time he ask you for gum, Say NO, the only reason why I give you ALL the TIME is because I like you and since you don't want to take it further, you are not going to get GUM all the time.


I guess the party would be a good place to confront him.


I can motivate you only so much, but if you are not going to DO an action, there is no point in my words.


Just remember, how funny it was when you gave him the note. Most of the time facing your fears is funny the reset of the time it is a test to see if you will stick it out.


Remember He or any Guy is not the last man on Earth.


Life is filled with people who will all offer us valuable learning experiences, but most people are just too scared to change and thus have the same type of people offering a repetition of the learning experience.


When you are ready to change and keep on that path then there will be some point to me and my advice.

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yeah, and i thought the party would be a good yime to do that as well.


Something just happened like an hour or 2 ago. 3 of my guy friends just came to stop by and talk for a while. This one guy friend asked if i was going to go to homecoming. I said that i might if i have a date. He was like, "well then in that case..... will you go with me?"

I said yes. i think it was the right thing and he is really cool and he makes me laugh a lot. Hes nice too. I said yes to him, he asked, and jordan and i never went anywhere so figured its the right thing. He also live walking distance from me. so... yeah i think it will work.


I didn't do wrong did i?

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  • 3 weeks later...

well its been a while. Hunter and i are just frineds.... so yeah... never went out, never really wanted to. I just thought ti was weird....

today i gave jordan a pice of gum, and well this other guy wanted a piece too, well what he didn't know was that jordan had the last piece. I handed the dude the box. I smiled, and jordan said i love that smile, its just so evil looking. And i was like Wooo what did you say???


so yeah..... fun...

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