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uneven worlds


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I sit here alone

My broken cycles of love

Die per second of eternal bloom

Into a dark puddle

A puddle of shadows

With each individual drop

Contaminated with only hate and pain

Betrayed blood splattered on the wall

Drying with each second wasted

Each second of hate

In my eyes reflecting into death

The mirror of distorted images shines

I see my face

No longer whole.

Shattered icon of destruction

Broken pain displayed in my words

In my eyes I see only loneliness

And loneliness it will remain

Until you show up

And apologize for your mistake

I am your worst error of jumbled disorders

All in a line to show my failures

I have fallen short of my desires

I have disappointed the future in myself

I have frustrated my past

I am the present that refuses to exist

My hate cools the fire in my heart

My love ceases to help

And rather it pressed the knife deeper

All is fair in righteousness

As the person who you thought I was

Taps the glass one last time

Illuminating crystal eyes

Burn through the given hate

Of those left behind

Of those tortured with a bit of defection

Those hated, those suffering in their own souls

Normal people seen every day

Die internally with each gasping breath of air

Which burns their lungs

Like flames lapping up their insides

With each breathless inhalation

Hoping for the best

The best is what you may call the worst

An end

An end to the pain

An end to the knife stabbing the internal love

Smothering it

Releasing your own faithless existence

Into the reality of the present

Built by our own selfish minds

Gathering in the circles of emotionless agony

And I still sit alone

Waiting for the eye of the storm

To attack the dying mind that I call my own

To kill off my existence from your dreams

So I say with my last words

That you are stronger than the fire

You can beat it with your mind

Just to kill off the diverse world

Just try harder to kick the habit

Try to ease the pain

A different way

I have failed

Now it is your turn to pass the test

Of our meaning on this earth

Stop the knife from digging deeper

Pull it out and declare victory on yourself.


(say anything u want to! im open to ideas, suggestions, critisism and whatnot)



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