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Are shy girls more of a challenge?

Double J

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I tend to like the shy, reserved type, but recently I've noticed that it is not easy to woo these types of girls. You never know if they're not interested, or if they might be but they're just too shy to admit it. Just like some girls like being the one to turn the bad boy into mr. nice guy, I like being the one to get the shy girl to open up. I've noticed that in almost every instance, these girls are single and do not have much communication with guys if not on an almost superficial level. Do you guys think it's a good investment to spend a lot of time trying to get these types of girls to change? You know what they say.. you can't really change a person.. but I met my ex on those terms and it was nice.. I'm sure most guys are looking to settle down with this type anyway.

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Sort Of Kizzy,

obviously the more you get to know someone and the more they get to know you...The more they will open up to you and be less shy.....Yes and you know you can always "just be friends" with people...You do need friends you know..And i think its great to have those kind of girls because those kind of girls have the best morals and values in their lives... And chances are they will actually do this world some good if you know what i mean... These people also have the softest hearts inside of that shell that they say is impenatriable.... or however you spell that... Well man time to whip out the knives... So yes these kind of girls are great and im glad to see someone that goes for them..A great man in this society Okay ( Oh and im settling down with one right now )

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As a shy girl I can tell you that, yes, sometimes we are more of a challenge, but most of the time it's worth it. Not alot of guys come up to us, but the ones that do and take the time to get to know us can make a big difference in our lives. Just the act of someone walking up and saying "Hey, how's it going?" can help to boost our confidence and get us to open up more. Even if it doesn't lead anywhere, each encounter after that seems a little easier. I know I really appreciate it when a guy notices that I am shy and makes the effort to start up a conversation. So, yes, we can be more of a challenge, but hopefully for you, it's worth it.

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I am so extremely shy and withdrawn sometimes, so it is great when a guy recognises that and slowly coaxes me out of my shell. It usually takes only a few exchanges, like one very recent one I had with a new guy I met in a group setting at an outdoor concert.


Him : "Hey, why are you so quiet?"

Me: "I just am. Does it bother you?"

Him: "Well, you are the only one not talking!"

Me: "I'm sorry, I don't mean for you to think I'm rude. I am just a very quiet person."

Him: "That's all right. I don't think you're rude. I'm just very loud. Let's talk!"

Me : "All right. What would you like to talk about"

Him: "Where you from, etc. etc. ..."


(we start talking)


Now that guy is someone I see often, and someone I consider a friend. He has also opened up to me quite a bit on some of his more personal issues. The one problem is, I suspect he might have a crush on me now, and I'm not really sure how to deal with that.

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