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They say WINTER causes depression? lol

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As some of you may already know, I am a homebody. I am happiest when I'm reading a book or curled up with a movie on a cold day. I hate humidity and the heat. When it's hot & humid out, I feel pressured to go outside and do something physical, even though that really isn't my thing. Staying inside on a hot day just doesn't feel right with me.


This afternoon/night in particular, I began to feel this deep "empty" feeling, like I got nothing productive done today. I clean the family house for money, and to be honest I really do enjoy that. (But only on days in the fall and winter, of course.)


I do take medication for depression and anxiety; sadly, 2 nights ago I skipped a dosage because my refill wasn't ready. (Thankfully, it was only for 1 night.) Still, I had withdrawal symptoms during the day, in particular the physical shocks. A part of me thinks that the "empty" feeling I was getting today was due to me skipping that 1 night, and my body is getting back on track.


But if the medication wasn't the case, what should I do to handle that "empty" feeling I get? Particularly during heat & humidity? Thanks!


Oh, and for anyone who's wondering, I am currently collecting unemployment and looking for a job, hence why I'm living with my parents. I also clean my grandfather's house for money.

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For me, I try to focus on small pleasures until the worst of the ennui passes. Having something productive that you can accomplish can also help.


Yea, I clean and run errands on a daily basis to help cope with the ennui I feel as a result of the humidity. It usually prevents the ennui, but sometimes it's still there. And I need more help to deal with it.

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