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Feeling kind of empty

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The ex and I tried to reconcile about a month ago. That reconciliation did more damage than save our friendship. I am no longer talking to him and have ignored his texts, phone calls, and fb messages since. The other day, I discovered that he listed himself as in a relationship on fb. I don't know who his new girlfriend is, but I'm assuming they've known each other for quite some time because they paddle together.


I suppose, I'm feeling empty because he always told me that he couldn't seem to get over me and I've always known that he had this pining for me since we broke up. Then boom, he has a new girlfriend a month after we tried reconciling.


Just surprising that he could move on so quickly. In all retrospect, I'm happy and glad for him. Maybe this is his way of getting over me, though I'm not sure if this is a healthy way of getting over someone by plunging into another relationship so soon.


Oh, well.

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