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Send thank you letters?

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I just came back from a second interview with a well-established company.


I sent both interviewers thank you letters following the first interview. It turns out that I met with the same two ladies again today -- my would-be boss and her direct supervisor. Later on, I met with a graphic designer within the department I'd be working for.


Do you feel it's necessary for me to send the two ladies thank you letters again? How about the graphic designer? I wouldn't want to communicate desperation in any shape or form.



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I don't think it would be too much to send them another brief thank you because they took even more of their time to consider your candidacy. It's reiterating your interest to work for that company. Just say something like "Dear XXXXX, I would like to thank you again for inviting me back for a second interview with your company. I am still very encouraged by X, Y, and Z and it affirms that this position is an excellent fit considering my background and interests. I also appreciate having the opportunity to meet with your graphic designer XXXXX and I am further encouraged by..." Thank them again for their time and that you're looking forward to hearing from them. It is not desperate. Just showing gratitude.


Good luck!

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I would leave it for now and get on with your life. Once is charming and thoughtful, twice looks like your are trying to forcefully sway the vote.


They already know you are polite and thoughtful candidate. Leave it for now and see what comes out of your second interview. Let your interviews do the talking.


It is also likely that they already have a hunch who they are going to hire at this point.


The very best of luck



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