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Insomniac or Addicted?

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I think I'm addicted to this forum!! I'm constantly on here! I stay up til all hours of the night just to read what people have to say! Its weird though- I don't feel tired either, its just like I have to be on here!


Is anyone else an Enotalone addict?

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This board is like crack cocaine.


But I also know how I am...I will find something new that I like, I'll be really, really into it for a while, then it'll eventually taper off to something a little more normal and balanced.


But for now, I'm a fiend. BWHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!

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I agree with all of you. This 'place' (if you want to call it that) is addictive and whenever I'm on the internet, I always make sure to visit this web site and read other people's comments. Unfortunately, I don't always get the time to respond to the messages that I want to respond to, but I think it's great that they have this messageboard going. Hopefully people will continue to come here and help others out, including me!

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