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It's like I've lost my personality!!


Yeah, the last couple of years were terrible -- thanks a lot "feelings" and "emotions" and whatnot... oh, and thanks a lot to whatsherface, too....


but i swear to god, I sit here and read stuff on the internet I use to find funny, and use to enjoy - and it's like I've completely lost my entire personality. I find nothing funny anymore, get pissed off when people TRY to be funny, and just think everything sucks now.


What the hell is going on?

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well... yeah...


it is depression -- but is that supposed to make me lose my entire personality?


Ive been in a "depression" for many years, but I don't think it's supposed to make you forget who you are!

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Speaking from experience, it's amazing what depression can take from you. I realized that my anti-depressants were working after experiencing excitement over a story I'd written- it was something that hadn't happened in so long, and was so much a part of me, that I couldn't believe it'd ever been gone.

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